Chapter Three Journey

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I slowly opened my eyes finding my self tucked into my bed, curled up against Jake his arm around me protectively. He must of carried me in here I thought since the last thing I remembered was falling a sleep with Ace my puppy curled up next to me. I opened my blinds realizing it was a little passed dawn and we were all running late since it was actually a lot passed dawn. Moving Jacob’s arm I got out of bed and picked out my clothes. Getting changed I didn’t bother leaving the room since Jacob was asleep. Today I wore a dark purple skirt and a light purple tank top that went with it I made It look like a dress though by pulling the skirt up and over the top.

“God your hot,” Jake told me.

Startled by hearing his voice I jumped, “Jake I thought you were asleep If id known you were awake I would have changed in my closet or my bathroom.”

“What and make me miss that, never.” He replied to my comment.

I couldn’t help but smile, I walked over to him and kissed him on the lips then I replied to him “Okay now your turn.”

He laughed at me and got out of bed, quickly fetching clothes from his bag. Jacob slept shirtless and boy did he have the body for that. You could see his muscle easily with a shirt not to mention without one. That just made me want him more. We walked outside to go wake the others which wasn’t hard to do, Tyler was the hardest he was never and will never be a morning person he likes to sleep.

“Come on Ty, out of bed.” I yelled getting frustrated with him.

“Okay, okay don’t get all upset Aly.” Tyler grumbled tiredly, he sat up and got his clothes out his bag, he got changed right in front of us.

“Ewww” I hollered, “Gross couldn’t you have walked to the washroom at least, Uhg.”

“Too much work” he mumbled.

“Dude seriously.” Jacob rolled his eyes and walked away from his friend.

Melissa surprisingly got ready quickly and she looked just as perfect as normally, Hailey had snuck upstairs early morning just to make dad happy. We all went upstairs as I could smell the bacon from down here already and I was hungry. When we got up there my mother was in the kitchen cooking, my father at the table reading the journal and drinking his coffee, my sister was flicking through the channels on the tv. My hair I had done while I was waiting for Melissa it took her only 15 minutes to get ready this morning, I was so proud of her.

“Mom, why didn’t you wake us.” I asked her sweetly when I was in the kitchen getting everyone some orange juice.

“You all looked so tired I figured you guys could arrive a little later then you wanted to. I hope you don’t mind.” She responded apologetic.

“Actually Mom I don’t mind that was some well needed rest hey did you let ace down there last night.”

She nodded her head yes. I helped my mom finish breakfast. It took an hour to make and we were all done in fifteen minutes since we wanted to get on the rode as fast as possible.

“Great meal.” Mel commented, as Hailey and I hugged our parents good by we were taking our escalade on the trip so we could fit everyone and everything,.

Melissa sat in the front passenger seat since she and Hailey who was driving wanted to talk and hang out. Jacob and I were in the back we didn’t mind because we wanted to be farther apart from the others to do some stuff. Kiley sat on the drivers side of the car, Tyler sat on the passengers for the middle row, they would end up either laughing the whole time or argueing the whole time, well and they’d flirt eventually they will end up dating but for now they just play with each other.

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