Chapter Twenty-Eight Phone Call

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(What you've been waiting for the next chapter, not the longest but its a little juicy next chapter soon.)

         Chapter 28

“Oh God, Oh God, Oh god,” I paced up and down the hall, how the hells can this be, how am I pregnant? I knew it was Alex’s, Jacob and I were slow and steady, making out not going all the way. My breaths were shallow and quick, coming in gulps instead of sips.

“Aly, calm down, Aly, you’re okay, Aly.” Mellissa attempted to soothe me. A lone tear slipped down my face, sliding easily. “Come on Alyssa you’re okay.” I looked at Melissa hoping what came out of her mouth was for real, I could normally strip away all layers in an eye and see great depths of them, but right now no matter how far I looked I saw care and sorrow, it was lies, everything was going wrong. My eyes filled with more water, I knew they were about to fall. All of sudden strong arms were around me; I was enclosed in a hug, that’s when I began to weep. The tears fell more and more, not stopping, why would they biggest mistake of my life and I had to tell my parents over phone. Tyler said minor things the whole time but he didn’t lie he told the truth and let me cry into his shoulder. I hadn’t applied any makeup today no point I hadn’t applied makeup since I took my first test, crying too much. I had on a black hoody that was way too big for me and sweatpants; I hadn’t even bothered to pull my hair up into a ponytail just natural and messy.

Finally I pulled myself together and picked up the phone. I typed in the number and waited for my parents to pick up.

“Hello,” my mom’s voice exclaimed.

“Mom!” my voice was jumpy and hoarse.

“Sweetie, what’s wrong?”

“Is dad with you,” I asked, stifling my sobs.

“Yeah,” she answered.

“Put the phone on speaker I have to tell you guys something.”

I heard a beep, and took three deep breaths. I gulped, before speaking. “Daddy, mom, I-I’m pregnant.”

“Oh God,” My mom’s voice came loud and clear then I heard the cries, her whines and her tears. I swear my heart stopped.

“ALYSSA HOW THE HELL COULD YOU DO THIS TO YOUR MOTHER, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ANYONE, YOUR 18 YOU GOING TO WASTE YOUR LIFE AWAY.” My father never yelled at me, he was always calm, but this time his voice was stern and loud, tears swept down my cheeks.

“I know daddy, I’m so sorry.” I’m sure he could hear the whine in my voice.


“It wasn’t him daddy.”

“What! Who was it then.” His voice softened. I think he thought I was raped.

“You remember Alex; well I’ve been having guy troubles and well, worst mistake of my life.” I couldn’t keep my cool after this the tears fell at they fell hard.

“Oh Baby, your still my little girl, but didn’t I always tell you Alex was bad news.” His voice was soft and normal.

“Yea you did,” I managed between my whiney sobs.

“Are you getting an abortion?”

My voice got stern. “DAD I don’t care what anyone else says this is still a baby inside of me,” my hands instantly went and held my stomach, “so no I’m not going to, this is my son or daughter, mine and whoever I live my life with.”

“Okay Hun, so you’re going to stay with Alex.”

“I don’t know what I’m going to do, I have to decide tonight, cause dad I’m so confused, I was before this and I’m defiantly even more now.” The tears had come and gone but my whine was still there echoing in my voice at every word. The line stayed silent for a little.

"Okay, just remember were hear for you, your mother wants to talk to you," The phone shuffled around and there was a few clogged sniffs but no talking.


"I love you…. But Alex is bad news, remember both those things, your still my daughter, tell your sister we say hi, bye Alyssa," the line went dead, I was surprised no more tears cam but sadness swept over me.

"You okay," Melissa asked.

"No I just think I dried up all my tears."

They both hugged me, as I passed out, Debating between Alex, my babys father or Jacob, the guys who's already proposed. I guess there’s no getting out of this one.

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