Chapter Twenty-Nine Decisions!

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             Inever thought i t would be this hard to say goodbye to a book, but True Leve even If You Dont want it is my baby, first book i ever posted on Wattpad, and the sucess of it is all thanks to you guys, so i would like to thank everyone of you reading this, for sticking with me by all my crazy late uploads, and all the sucky chapters, and weird rants. I hope you ennjoyed the book as much as i loved writing it, and the characters from the nice ones to the bad ones at one point or another they were all my favorites. I realyl wish every person who reads this would comment telling me what they thought of the book, and you know if enough of you want one, i could always make a sequal! Enjoy!


   Todays the day I choose, today's the day I decide, todays the day I choose! It echoed in my head as I got ready. Short shorts and a tank top, or a summer dress, or a skirt and top, what do I wear. Decisions way too many decisions, straight or curly, what I wear, what to eat, what to do, and Jacob or Alex! AHHHH! Could I scream I felt like screaming, I loved them both way too much. I had done things with them, made memories, made feeling I could never forget, so many things I couldn’t forget and I had...

                My hand reached for my stomach, someday there would be a slight bump; than it would grow, until it was time for the baby boy or girl to take its first breathe in the world. I wasn’t sure if I still wanted it though, as much as I was against abortions I didn’t want a kid, and I defiantly wanted to finish school! I felt like screaming again.

                “Are you coming up sis?” Hailey screamed down into my room!

                “Just finishing up,” I screamed back. I knew they were all worried I had been on edge since Ty and Mellie told me, about the baby, then I had to call my parents and tell them which put me more on edge. Today was the first day I was getting dressed and socializing.  When I was done I hurried upstairs. For the first time the whole summer my old best friend Kiley sat next to me, her green eyes full of care.

                “Do you need anything,” she asked.

                “Something to drink, maybe some orange juice,” I responded, it was so weird for her to care, but I guess it was because it was Alex’s baby inside me and not her brothers. That’s when I noticed Jake wasn’t there; he had avoided me ever since he found out. My eye’s watered up, last thing I wanted to do was hurt him, he was the sweetest kid I know, and he really did love me, and I really did love him. The problem is I really did love Alex too. They both just get me, and they bring out all my feelings. Jacob makes me feel special and Alex makes me feel alive. Kiley seemed to know what I was thinking about since she scooted to the opposite side of the couch, as far from me as she could. I sighed, I adored Mellie and I love Tyler with all my heart but I missed Kiley!

                “Do you know who you’re going to choose?” Ty asked. Melissa slapped him.


                “No its okay, Mel, I have to deal with this… not even a clue.” I groaned!

                “You’re carrying Alex’s baby how could you not choose him, do you think Jacob would actually not care, that it’s not his kid who’s sleeping in the other room!” Kiley’s tone and statement pissed me off, mostly because it could be true.

                “Kiley, if Jake really loves her he’s not going to care.” Melissa shouted just as the boy who was half of the party that haunted my thoughts walked in.

True Love, even if you dont want it. (complete.)Where stories live. Discover now