Chapter Sixteen Not The First The Best

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       {So here lies the next chapter, complete i have to dedicate this to two of my fans because they comment on every chapter and make me push forward to write the next one, you two ALWAYS make my day,  @The-realistic-ending and @Butterflygirl2 thank you guys so much keep commenting, and i hope you enjoy it and all the rest... so here we go......}

Chapter 16

    The light stung my eyes, causing them to squint and cover the green in them. It felt like light hadn’t touch my eyes in forever but natural light from the sun touched them yesterday near the pool at Alex’s. The pool. Someone must have saved me, so I’m alive, I hate that stupid pool. Wait where am I? The room was not home it was plain and kind of ugly. Something stirred in the chair close to the door.

    “Hello.” I asked my voice quivering with fear.

    “Aly,” Tyler said I could hear the relief in his voice that he was trying to hide.

    “Ty.” I gasp glad it wasn’t someone who had kidnapped me and now wanted to kill me.

    I take him in a huge hug that I could tell he wanted but wouldn’t ask for.

    “Where am I.”

    He told me that I was in the hospital and what had happened. Apparently Alex still loves me, I saw him duck down and when he saw me he popped back up to get Izzy’s help. Alex wasn’t that strong of a swimmer but Izzy was almost as good as me when it came to swimming. He went down and helped her but she did most of the work and when I was brought up my heart was barely beating and too much water had filled my lungs so I wasn’t breathing, so of course they called 911. Ever since then Tyler and Melissa had taken turns next to me for two whole days. Hailey had been crying her eyes out, Alex and Jacob worried sick and Kiley pretended like nothing was wrong but you could hear her sobs at night or so Ty told me. They didn’t trust Kiley, Jacob, Alex or Hailey near me in case I woke up they didn’t want them to over power me with love, relief and happiness. Personally I was  glad Ty was the one in the room when I woke up, now a days he was the person who was closest to me, Kiley and I had just split apart, after I had figured out she had put me in this situation. I pulled Tyler into another hug taking in his warmth, before I started to get up.

“Oww!” I shriek when my foot touches the floor and pain shot up my body.

“Oh yeah and you sprained your ankle, I forgot to mention that.” Tyler tells me a smile crossing his face and showing his dimples.

“What.” I exclaim.

“Don’t worry, just stay off it for a few days and it’ll be better its not too severe your just a drama queen, even the doctor figured that out.”

“I AM NOT!!!!” I whine.

I swing my foot forward completely forgetting about my ankle, my foot hits Tyler with tremendous force and I shriek as the pain gets sent up my foot. Tyler laughed at me as his hand rubbed where my foot had hit him, I think that the kick hurt me more then him, stupid ankle. I glared at my friend who was still laughing at my pain, and he just rolled his green-brown hazel eyes. UHG!

“I have to go pee, help me.” I ask using my little kid voice.

Again Tyler laughs at me, and I glare at him as he walks away. Wait walks away, he’s suppose to help me. COME BACK PLEASE, I DON’T WANT TO PEE MY PANTS. HELP ME.

“Where, Where, Where, you, you, go, go, going.” I stutter.

“Getting you a wheelchair they were all out of the walking thingy’s.”

“Walking Thingy’s, I don’t think they’re called that Ty.” I laugh.

“I cant remember they’re actual name, okay.” he responds glaring at me this time, I just continue to laugh at his dumbness. Okay so that was a little unfair Tyler isn’t that dumb he’s just got a brain the size of a pea. I know it’s a bit of a cliche, but it works. Ty helps me on the wheelchair but decides that it would be funnier to watch me try and roll myself to the washroom instead of him pushing me. Sometimes I hate that boy. I finally make it to the washroom and go pee, just in time. When I reenter the room everyone is they’re, oh god this is going to be hell.

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