Chapt. Twenty-Four [Haileys P.O.V]

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{ Heres the next chapter.. please tell me what you think... check out my other books Hidden by Fear and  Total Eclipse Of MY Heart... vote if you like and maybe even fan... check out the facebook fan page for this book... and yea.. hope you enjoy it as much as i do... xD }

Chapter Twenty-Four (Haileys point of view)

I stopped the car abrudtly infront of the bowling alley, the parking lot was completly empty except for a few cars and my sisters porsch. Tyler had rented out the WHOLE bowling alley so that Selena and Demi could come cause i mean we wouldnt get much bowling around with a bunch of people crowded around those two girls. We still might not get any bowling done cause i mean there famous and all though Aly and Tyler are all calm around them Mel and me not so much, even JAke is a little excited.

I opened my car door; began to walk towards the door, where my sister, Tyler, Jake and Selena were.

"Hey." I heard Demi Lovatos voice.

"Hi!" Aly exclaimed.

Demi reached forward and took her into a hug. I cant believe my sister keeps hugging Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez, I would like NEVER wash those clothes, put them in a frame and hang them on my wall. I felt someone repeatedly poke me in the side.

"WHAT!" i turned on Kiley.

'Trying to get your attention, dont need to be so rude." K snapped.

"Sorry... why do you want my attention." i mumbled, looking down at my feet, i felt bad for the rudeness Kiley was nothing but a true friend to both me and my sister, even if Mel's says she's not.

"Everyone left..." Kiley points to the hallway.

I had been day dreaming for longer then i thought, i stared out infront of me, where my friends ue to stand. I opened the door with one hand, letting Kiley slip by first, before i entered. Still i couldnt see my friends. When i listened closley though i could hear slight laughter, i could tell one of the voices was Aly because it was soft and sweet, but not to girlish, but the other laugh was strange and unfamilliar to me, so either Selena or Demi. MY SISTER IS LAUGHING WITH SELENA GOMEZ OR DEMI LOVATO... OH MY GOSH!

"Again, can we hurry up." Kiley said a little coldly.

I turned to face her, "Look Kiley im sorry for being alittle rude earlier but you dont have to be so mean to me, your the best friend a girl could ask for," i paused, "aside from Melissa but thats not the point, so im truly sorry can we just make up and be friends."

I looked into Kileys blue eyes, they were darker then usually but brightened as she replied, "Yeah we can, im sorry too, i just feel like everyone hates me, now a days but it means so much to me that you dont, now its not just Alex."

Why would everyone hate Kiley, like i said aside from Melissa who was my best friend she was the best friend a girl could ask for. If i think about it though Alyssa and Kiley like never hung out anymore instead Tyler and Aly had been so closly mingled i could swear that they were never apart.

Finally we caught up to, Alyssa, Jacob, Tyler, Melissa, Selena and Demi, who were already sitting and puttng on their ugly bowling shoes.

"We got yours too," Melissa exclaimed.

She glanced at me with a smile that showed her perfect white teeth, but when her gaze turned to Kiley, her eyes darkened and lost her sparkle, they were and ice cold stare, if it had been sent at me i would have shivered in fear. I replaced my pink sparkly converse specially made for moi, with the gross icky bowling shoes that looked like clown shoes. When i got up i felt someone tug me away from the rest of the group. I turned to see Melissa her eyes still darkened and cold, she had never looked at me like that before, she was my best friend.

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