Chapter Eighteen Never Let Her Go (J.POV)

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      { So this is really short, its kind of a teaser, its more for getting to know Jake and seeing how he feels about her... i might do another on of theses teasers for the next chapter but same scene but different point of view Hailey's, or just carry on with Aly's tell me what you think i should do... hope you like it.}

           Chapter 18 Jacobs POV

“Who’s driving Aly to the doctors.” I ask Melissa.

“Tyler is, we have everything planned, just relax, early in the morning you guys will go get her birthday present done, then you’ll come home for the party.” she tells me.

How is she so calm, like this could get Aly to choose me or not to choose me, its her birthday for crying out loud, I mean the gift is perfect, but what if Alex’s beats mine. Aly should feel lucky, I wish I got three birthday party’s, one tomorrow, one the day after which is her actual birthday, and one the day after, Alex’s day, tomorrows my party for her.

“Were off to the  doctors, hurray.” Tyler yells through the house, using his favorite thing ever sarcasm.

Once we here the door slam and the car zoom off into the distance we all start talking about the party, invitations were sent out but it was kind of a thing like if you got this then you can invite whoever but make sure Aly doesn’t find out. The discussion went on and on till we heard a door open and Tyler yelling at Aly to take it slow. Aly ran into the living room full speed her straight dark hair bounced off her shoulders before falling lightly back down, her green eyes sparkled with joy something that was never they’re when her foot hurt.

“ALY!!!!” Tyler yelled at her, “not  towards you sister.”

“Too Late” Melissa giggles as she saw Hailey’s face change.

Ever since the accident Hailey had been super protective over Alyssa, Aly hated it, she kept complaining to everyone about how Hailey was acting like an older sister but they were the same age except maybe thirty seconds and she was born first, well I think that’s what she said no one really listened. I laughed along side Melissa and Kiley who had also started. Hailey got up crossing her arms and started yelling at the two  of them, Aly got the lay off it just because the cast is off doesn’t mean its better, Ty got the how could you let this happen, What the hell were you thinking.

At the end of Hailey’s lecture, Alyssa glared at her with her beautiful misty eyes and said, “ITS MY FOOT, YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT, AND TYLER DIDN’T GET ANY SAY IN IT HE TRIED TO STOP ME STOP ACTING LIKE YOU’RE THE BOSS OF ME BECAUSE YOUR NOT.”


“WHO ARE YOU KIDDING, HAIL’S CERTAINATLY NOT ME OR ANYONE IN THIS ROOM, YOUR BARELY MY SISTER YOU NEVER ACTED LIKE IT TILL NOW, I want the old you back.” Aly reply‘s, and storms off, to her room I suppose. As she walks you can hear a whimper every time she steps on her foot. I give Mel a look that says ‘I’ll go talk to her.’

I hurry downstairs and find Aly on her bed, knees up arms locked around them and tears in her eyes.

“You know she’s right Aly, I mean as much as you sister can be a pain in the…. A…. butt, she’s right, she’s just looking out for you, and she’s trying to change her way, give her a break, it will take time, but babe you have to lay off the foot, I need you all good and ready for tomorrow, I bet you doc said that it was mostly healed but might still hurt, which is where your whimper when you step on it comes from.”

“FINE, but I’m not staying in bed rest.”

“You don’t have to anymore just cant run and all that go easy.” I tell her, I get up off her bed and start to walk back upstairs.

“Wait, Jake! Please stay with me.” she half mumbles have whimpers.

How can I ever say no to her, she’s perfect if she cheated on me id take her back in an instant. I guess I know how Ty feels I got to go apologize for like everything all the making fun of, I’m a horrible person.

I start to continue walking when I hear a loud full out whimper, “Please! I don’t want to be alone, not right now.”

I need to apologize! I turn around to face her, her eyes are full of pain, the green was almost gone just a very light green that almost looked grey, they were filled with water but no tears came out anymore, under her eyes were red from the tears she had shed earlier, the lushes pink that I loved was out of her cheeks, her soft pink lips were turned down at the sides creating slight wrinkles on her forward, you couldn’t see her dimples at all. Her hair was all messy and look like it had never been brushed today, one thing I know about Aly is that when she’s upset she messes up her hair somehow some way, its kind of funny if you think about it. Her hands were still locked around her knees as if she was trying to keep herself safe to lock something inside, I couldn’t leave her like this, not in this weak state she was vulnerable and I didn’t like it. I took her into a giant hug, pulling her in tight, I felt her rest her head on my shoulder. I took a big whiff of her scent, apples, my favorite fruit, its as if we were meant to be. I rubbed my hands up and down her back as my t-shirt got wetter and wetter, as her cry’s got louder. I would never leave her, I will always be here to hold her, comfort her when she’s week even if she doesn’t choose me, I will always be by her side.

“How… How could I say that, Why would I, she’s my sister I… I love her… and she loves me… she’s the one person who.. I’ve been friends with since, since birth… I couldn’t bear it if she…. If she…. If she…. Left.” she made out between sobs, her sobs got really loud at the last word.

Left… Hailey was just like me she’d never leave… we will be here forever Hailey and I, always they’re for her. It hurt to see her like this but all I could do was hold her close and tight and never let her go.


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no random things today, i dont think so at least... hmmmmm......

so if i do a teaser it will be up quick because i have and idea for it and if i carry on it wont be up as quick but i think still decent  four next chapters already mapped out, on is a teaser though Alex's...

so yea...

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