Chapter Seven Startled

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The movie on the screen slowly came to a stop, as the girl leaned over to kiss her boyfriend on the lips.

“Baby, it doesn’t matter what they think, We have it, you know it so do I, she will soon know to, We got it. Just tell her True Love, even if you don’t want it, that’s what you tell her hun.” the girl said hey brown hair moving gently as she did.

Her hair was chestnut brown and crimped her eyes bright green. The girl on the screen she was me. How did I get in a movie I thought. Startled by the movie I got up holding his hand and walked out of the theater as the credits came on. He argued with me, finally I let him have his way, he would drive my Porsche. I hopped into the car, he had gotten in before hand to let the roof down knowing I hater getting in through a door. Not letting me put on my seat belt, he sped out of the parking lot full speed. As we hit the highway I pulled my hair out of the slick pony tail it was in, I had left my hair curly under his request.

The wind blew on my face, it moved my hair with it, raising my hands up in the air, my hair waving like crazy. The sparkle I use to have three years ago was back in my eyes. The thrill of my life then was back as well. My metallic green Porsche ripped through the wind on the highway. It just kept going never would it stop until we reached the destination we wanted. I felt free as the wind blew against me I stood up in the car almost expecting to fall over but nothing happened I my rank top flowed in the wind my shorts stuck to me though. He turned up the music. I danced, danced in the car, singing along to every song knowing every line even the ones I had never heard before never listened to but somehow the words flowed out of my mouth as easily as breathing.

I pulled his shirt up over his head, he had muscles like no other, abs you could tell he had with just a glance. I pulled my shirt over my curly locks of hair, I threw it out of the car never wanting it back. My mind didn’t care about the future only today only the present, only what happened now. I continued to dance wishing he was able to dance along side me. Wishing I could feel him against me, his warm skin against mine, our bodies would fit together perfectly as we sang to melody’s as we danced the wind pushing against us but we would never fall just dance and sing forever as free as can be. Never having to worry about what happen if we did something, anything we could do it and never worry.

I continued to dance, never wanting to let this moment stop, to leave his side.

“I love this.” I exclaimed, “I love being free, I love being with you feeling alive, I Love You.”

I sat back down my hands above my head still, I looked him in his hazel eyes, feeling contempt right at this moment. The song ended a long with the car, I pouted a little but hopped out of the car anyways.

“Why didn’t we keep moving, you swore we’d never stop until we got there.” I asked a little upset.

“We are here.” he replied as he took my hand.

He led me to the side of the rode where we ran, interlocking our fingers and just ran through the fields of geranium. Just like in the car we didn’t think about the future or what would happen, we were free always would be when we were together. We were in love, careless teenagers in love, any girl would love to be me, running through the fields holding hands with the guy of my dreams. For hours on end we just ran never getting tired.

Finally we stooped in a bed of rose petals, candles circled around it. I sat down to eat out of the picnic basket that was there. I had a glass of white wine while he had some red wine. The picnic basket had bowls of soup that were somehow still warm but I didn’t bother my mind on that so much. We ate the chicken noodle soup it was delicious. After the food we sat there watching the sunset. He kissed me, it was intense but I loved it. I kissed him back over and over again. My shirt was already off but he pulled my shorts off leaving me in my underwear and bra. I unbuttoned his pants with my teeth before he ripped them himself. Our bodies intertwined together fitting like a puzzle. We lay in the bed of rose pedals, making out under the stars since the sun had already set behind the far as I could see in the field. Hours on end we lay there until finally I looked him in the eyes.

“I Love you!” I told him.

That’s when I realized I had never been taking to Jacob I was taking to Alex.

I gasped for air, startled by the dream I had just had. I don’t love Alex, I love Jacob I told myself over and over again as I snuck out of bed trying not to wake y boyfriend and walked to the bathroom. I forgot to be quiet and slammed the door, probably waking Jake up. I turned on the tap to cold water and splashed it in my face a few times.

“Aly are you okay?” Jake asked.

“I’m fine babe just go back to bed, I’m gonna watch some tv for alittle, cause my dream startled me.” I replied as I walked out of the bathroom to one of my couches, where I curled up and switched through some channels.

True Love, even if you dont want it. (complete.)Where stories live. Discover now