Chapter Ten Maybe Just Maybe

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                  Maybe Just Maybe

    I was almost at the beach, we had decided to tent out tonight so that we could watch the sunset. Even though I was excited to come here my mind raced with thoughts. Today was the day, the day I would end my relationship status, id be back to the single stage. Maybe I would be different this time, I’d be flirtatious and fun, since I wouldn’t be holding out for my crush since god knows how long. This time I’d be holding out for two guys that I hope will be proving their eternal love for me. Oh yea I would change alright, id be paranoid they both would realize I’m not worth it and go for my sister or my best friend.

    I started to laugh, my friends who were in my car all looked my way, but I ignored their glances. Who am I kidding my best friend is Kiley, Jacob cant go for her its illegal. He was a rule breaker though. Snap out Alyssa, he wouldn’t break rules for Kiley, just for me and I was going to break his heart, and I was the only one who could mend it. Would they really go for my idea, or would they call it stupid and me dumb. Many people have thought I died my hair, because I act like a blonde most days, no offense to Mel or any other blondes. My thoughts were disturbed by the car stopping abruptly, I had let Tyler drive my Porsche because I needed to think about my event of today. The car was in the small parking lot, as I got out of my seat and hopped over the door, not bothering to open it. We all jogged to the middle of the beach. Melissa set up a blanket for us to sit on. I kicked my shoes off, then pulled my socks.

    I giggled as the sand filled the space between my toes. It kind of tickled but it felt good. Jacob pounced on me pulling me down to the sand, we wrestled until he got up I followed him. I had to catch my breath, before running after Jake. It felt nice to have the sand beneath my feet, I sped up my pace. Jacob was faster then me but I still gave him a run for his money. After a few circles he stopped and I caught up to him.

    Jacob pulled of his shirt, revealing his muscles, they were chiseled perfectly, oh god he was hot. His muscle made him look strong and masculine,  I hated myself for what I would do today. Jacob sped into the water, the chase was still on. I slipped off my denim shorts, letting them fall on the sand. Then I took my shirt into my hands and pulled it over my head, dropping it on the ground before running full speed ahead to the water. It splashed up, hit me in the face multiple times,  but I didn’t care. I ran to Jake. He pulled me close rapping his hands around my waste, I wrapped mine around his neck.

    No one else bothered us, I started to wonder before realizing, I had told everyone that I needed to talk to Jake alone today, preferably earlier. Now was the time I guess. My eyes surrendered to the pain, the bright in them dimmed. Jacobs featured quickly changed, he looked worried. I could feel his lean body tense against mine.

    “I’m sorry Jake, I kissed him.” I started.

    Jacob moved his body away from mine. I saw him open his mouth to say something, but stopped him in his tracks.

    “It means I love him, but before your heart breaks I love you too. I cant decide, so I’m kind of breaking up with you.”

    With that I called Alex over. He two took off his shirt showing muscles, his made him stunningly gorgeous but not hot. Though both were equally attractive a tie with attractiveness. Woopdie doo! I watched as Alex ran to us. Jacob and I were farther apart from normally, Alex’s facial features showed he knew something was up.

    “I have a proposal, I love you both, so I’m going to partially date both of you, all you have to do is prove you love me and, I will choose by the end of summer. Are you up to it.” I asked, my heart was beating faster then normal I was nervous.

    “I’m up for it! How bout you Jacob.” Alex replied reaching his hand out to Jacob.

    “May the best man.” Jacob commented enthusiastically ad he shook Alex’s hand.

    “Good! Come in Everybody the waters nice, were done.” I hollered.

    I saw everyone take off they’re clothes, so they were in the bathing suits, before running into the water. I splashed both the boys and then dove under the water to swim away. It was hard to keep my breath I kept want to laugh as the boys aimlessly tried to catch me. I was a mermaid underwater they may both run faster then me but they had no chance under water. I decided to slow down and both of them grabbed me and brought me above the water. I giggled at them when I saw the look of success on their faces. I struggled until I got out of their grasps, splashing them once again, I took off under the water back to our friends. They chased me but Tyler got me first. Stupid team up, he wasn’t even part of this.

    I shrieked. Tyler seem surprised by my outburst, so did our other friends.

    “Caught you now.” all the boys laughed.

    “Not exactly.” The girls replied, as they all jumped on one of the boys.

    I laughed at the fuss. I wanted to test my swimming skills. So I splashed water in everyone’s faces before ducking under the water. I could hear them splash after me. The water felt good the pressure up against my body. My hair being pushed side to side by the waves. I had to get a breath though so I twirled my chest upwards followed by my legs. I took a deep breath before sliding back under into the clear water. I had noticed my friends had take a retreat to the shore. I wondered why? Deciding to follow I slid out of the water on to the beach, standing in the process. My eyes darted between everyone’s looks in their eyes. Uh Oh, AMBUSH!!!! I moved my feet as fast as I can and raced my friends. Melissa and Hailey were quite behind they were never good at gym. Jacob was closest, one of the reasons I loved him he was an athlete, I knew he would catch up to if I slowed down even a bit, Jacob was my running competition normally he was faster then me.  Alex was a little behind him keeping a good pace. Jacob more of an Athlete, one difference. Kiley and Tyler close by him, they looked like they were talking.

    I guess my pace had slowed because a second later Jacob pounced on me pulling me down to the ground. I wrestled with him but Alex helped him hold me down. I continued to struggle but it was no use. Those two had me, they won.

    “Doggy Pile.” Tyler yelled when he saw the hold the boys had on me.

    I shrieked as within five minutes I had five other people on top of me. The weight was hard to bear but I don’t dare let a tear slip, I wouldn’t want to be known as a weakling. I felt the weight on me star to get lighter. Until no one was on top of me.

    “Okay, so I deserved that.” I laughed.

    The sun was setting in the sky, it looked beautiful, the soft pinks, purples, yellows and blue’s all mixed together. My eyes couldn’t tear for that, I must have stood they’re for longer then I thought because when I turned around all the tents were set up along with a fireplace with logs for benches all around it. Jacob and Alex had saved a spot for me in between both of them. It was weird that they were sharing, why were they getting a long so well, they should be fighting over me.

    “Wow Ale’s self centered much.” Hailey told me, stupid twin telepathy.

    I rolled my eyes at her. Kiley waved at me from her spot on the benches, we had dealt with everything this morning I was still mad at her for getting Alex here but she was my best friend. I had told every body my plan this morning, so they all knew what was happening. Tyler was the only one shocked, he knew nothing about Alex and I.

    We had hot dogs for dinner, cooked over the fire, Alex had cooked mine, thank fully, I would have burnt mine to crisps. Jacob got me a bear from the cooler. The attention I liked but every one else got annoyed with it. After dinner we had delicious smores, that I made myself, banana boats were also made, though by Kiley not me. I did smores and that’s it. I curled up in the blanket Jacob had gotten for me. It was weird as I sat they’re listening to Tyler’s scary story, Jake had his arm around me, I was leaned into him, my body fitting perfectly with his, the part that was weird was I was holding Alex’s strong hand in mine. I didn’t want to let either of them go, but I knew I would eventually, for now I just lived in this moment feeling safe and secure, comforted by the two boys I loved listening to Tyler’s not scary horror story.

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