Poem #42

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I walk through life with a heavy heart
My mind consumed by sorrow
Each step feels like a heavy start
As I try to face tomorrow

The weight of sadness on my soul
Is like a never-ending storm
I try to find a sense of control
But it feels like I'm in a swarm

Everywhere I go, I feel out of place
Like I don't belong in this world
A constant battle I have to face
As my mind continues to twirl

The voices in my head, they never cease
Telling me I'm not enough
No matter how hard I try to find peace
It always feels like I'm in a rough

The sun shines bright but I see no light
There's only darkness in my view
I try to fight with all my might
But the depression just continues to brew

I long for a place where I fit in
A place where I can be free
But it feels like my life is just a spin
In a world that doesn't accept me

I know I'm not alone in this fight
But it's hard to see through the pain
Sometimes it feels like I'm losing sight
Of who I am, and what I should gain

But I hold on to a glimmer of hope
That someday I'll find my way
Out of this darkness, I'll learn to cope
And find my place in this world, someday.

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