Poem #82

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Drown me in blood, let it flow
Down my cheeks, in crimson glow
Let it fill my lungs, suffocate
My screams silenced, as I meet my fate

Let the red rivers wash over me
Consuming my body, setting me free
From this life filled with pain and sorrow
No more worries about tomorrow

Let the blood stains cover my skin
Replacing the scars that lie within
Each drop a symbol of my pain
A reminder of what I can no longer regain

Drown me in blood, let me drown
In this scarlet sea, I'll gladly drown
For in death, I'll find my peace
Only then, my soul will release

No more tears, no more fears
Just the sensation of blood in my ears
As it whispers secrets of the unknown
I'll finally feel, like I'm not alone

Drown me in blood, let me be consumed
In this crimson sea, I'll find my doom
For in death, I'll finally be free
As I sink into eternity.

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