Poem #47

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I don't feel human, I don't belong
In this world where I feel so wrong
I am a stranger in my own skin
Trying to find where I fit in

My thoughts are tangled, my heart is heavy
I am lost in a world so vast and unsteady
I don't feel like I am one of them
I am an outsider, an outcast gem

I look in the mirror and what do I see
A face that's familiar, but not really me
I don't feel human, I don't feel real
I am just a broken soul trying to heal

I walk the streets, I see the crowds
But I am invisible, lost in the shrouds
I don't feel human, I don't feel alive
I am just a shell, trying to survive

My emotions are muted, my senses dull
I am just a machine, a heartless skull
I don't feel human, I don't feel alive
I am just a puppet, trying to thrive

But then I see the beauty in the sky
The colors, the stars, the birds that fly
And for a moment, I feel a spark
A glimmer of hope, a light in the dark

I may not feel human, but I am something
A soul that's searching, a heart that's beating
I may not fit in, but that's okay
I am unique, in my own special way

So I'll embrace this feeling of being different
For in this world, I am a misfit
But I'll hold on to my humanity
For it's what makes me, uniquely me.

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