Poem #46

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Cold nights, a world so still
Silent echoes that chill
Whispers of winter's icy breath
Remind us of our human depth

The moon hangs high, a silver orb
A guiding light, a soothing absorb
For the darkness that surrounds
And the silence that resounds

The stars twinkle, a glittering sight
A dance of light in the black of night
They seem to whisper secrets and tales
Of love, loss, and forgotten trails

The air is crisp, it bites at our skin
But we brave the cold, for what lies within
A warmth that radiates from the heart
A fire that never truly departs

In the distance, a lone wolf howls
A mournful cry, a lonely growl
But in its call, there's a sense of peace
As if the cold nights bring a sweet release

We huddle close, seeking shelter
From the cold that makes us falter
But in each other's arms, we find
A love that keeps us warm and kind

And as the night slowly fades away
And the sun brings a brand new day
We'll remember the cold nights past
And how they made our love last.

So here's to the cold nights, so serene
That bring us closer, make us a team
For in the darkness, we find the light
And in the cold, we find warmth and delight.

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