Poem #95

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In winter's chill, the world is still
The trees are bare, the air is chill
But there's a hope that lies within
For soon, spring will begin

As the snow melts away
And the sun comes out to play
The world is reborn
With colors, bright and warm

Spring brings new life, a fresh start
As flowers bloom and birds depart
Gently, it whispers in our ear
'Summer's warmth is almost here'

And soon enough, the days grow long
As summer sings its vibrant song
The sun shines bright, the skies so clear
We bask in its warmth without fear

But as the heat begins to fade
And the leaves start to cascade
We know that fall is on its way
Bringing a different kind of display

The trees turn golden, red, and brown
As autumn paints the town
In a fiery blaze of color
It's a sight like no other

And as the seasons come and go
We watch the cycles ebb and flow
Each one with its own distinct charm
Winter, spring, summer, fall, a perfect symphony of nature's arms.

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