Poem #77

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What's your biggest fear,
Is it snakes that slither near?
Or the darkness that you can't shake,
Or the unknown that keeps you awake?

Is it heights that make you dizzy,
Or failure that leaves you feeling busy?
Is it losing someone you hold dear,
Or the thought of facing your biggest fear?

Is it the fear of never being enough,
Or the fear of not being tough?
Or the fear of never finding love,
Or the fear of not rising above?

Is it the fear of being alone,
Or the fear of never finding your home?
Or the fear of not fulfilling your dreams,
Or the fear of things not as they seem?

We all have our own fears,
That haunt us and bring us tears,
But we must not let them define,
For we are stronger than our fears combined.

For when we conquer our biggest fear,
We emerge stronger and wiser, my dear,
So let your fear be your greatest teacher,
And let it guide you to be a fearless creature.

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