Poem #81

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Through the darkened woods she roams
Her mournful cry pierces the night
The wailing Banshee, searching for souls
To take them to the Otherworld's light

Her hair is wild, her eyes are red
Her skin is pale, her dress is torn
But fear not mortal, for she only seeks
Those who are doomed to be reborn

Legend has it, her presence foretells
The imminent death of a loved one
Her cry, a warning, a last farewell
Before their journey into the unknown

With each step, her cry grows louder
Echoing through the misty trees
Whispers of sorrow, cries of despair
As she brings death upon the breeze

The Banshee, a timeless being
A messenger of fate and sorrow
Her wails a symphony of grief
For those who will not see tomorrow

But do not scorn the Banshee's cry
For she carries a heavy burden
To guide the departed souls
To their final resting curtain

So when you hear her mournful wail
Close your eyes, say a prayer
For the Banshee, she is just a messenger
Of life's inevitable unfair

And when the night falls and the Banshee comes
Be not afraid, but embrace her cry
For she is a reminder of life's fragile hold
Before we too, bid this world goodbye.

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