Poem #54

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I cursed her mom with misfortune and a divorce
For trying to keep me away from my love, my source
She thought she could control who I could see
But little did she know, our love was meant to be

She saw me as a threat, a danger to her daughter
But all I wanted was to love and support her
Her mom's disapproval only fueled our fire
For we knew our love was true and would never tire

She tried to tear us apart, with her words and her lies
But we stayed strong, our love reaching new highs
She thought she had won, but soon to divorce
But little did she know, our love would never be forced

I cursed her with misfortune, for trying to intervene
But it only made our bond stronger, like a well-oiled machine
We stood by each other, through thick and thin
Our love was unbreakable, it would always win

Her mom's actions may have caused us pain
But we rose above it, our love never waned
For in the end, love will always prevail
And our love story, will forever tell

So I cursed her mom, for trying to keep us apart
But in doing so, she only cemented our hearts
For our love was meant to be, no matter the cost
And together we'll stand, no matter what's tossed.

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