Poem #63

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I've heard them say that it makes it okay
To push the pain and hurt away
To drown it out with liquid fire
Or numb it with a pill, they desire

They call it a coping mechanism
But is it really just a defense mechanism?
A way to shield ourselves from the pain
But does it truly make it go away?

They say it's just a temporary fix
But what happens when it becomes a mix
Of addiction and dependency
A cycle that's hard to break free

We all have our ways of dealing
But when does it become too revealing
Of our inner turmoil and strife
When do we put down the knife?

I've heard them say that it's just a crutch
But sometimes it feels like too much
To carry the weight of the world
And so we turn to substances unfurled

But does it truly make it okay
Or does it just delay
The inevitable crash and burn
When the numbness fades and we return

To reality, to face our demons
And realize that it's not a solace, but a treason
To ourselves, to our own well-being
When we rely on substances for our freeing

So let us not perpetuate the lie
That it's okay to just get high
Let us find healthier ways to cope
And learn to love ourselves and find hope.

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