Chapter 1

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Perrie's POV

"Pez stop walking so fast, my legs are killing me, i had to run 6 laps today in gym because i was a minute late", Kat whined behind me as i continued walking.

"Kat stop whining will you. I need to get home as soon as i can", i said

"What's in it for us though", Leigh said making me stop and turn around.

"Look if you two stop whining and walk faster. If my parents have won the holiday i'll make them bring you two with us, deal?", i asked them.

"Leigh let's go", Kat said before her and Leigh basically sprinted away. I shake my head at them before sprinting after them.  I catch up with them just around the corner from my house, we sprint up the path to my door.

"Okay now just act normal, we probably haven't even won so don't get your hopes up alright", i said to them before slowly opening the door, i was praying in my head that we had one. It was a month in Palma Nova, Majorca, which is just outside Spain. We walked in and the whole house was silent, ok this is not  good sign.

"Mom", i shout

"In here Perrie", she shouted back sounding like she was in the kitchen. We all walk into the kitchen to see my mom, dad, sister and brother all sitting at the table with a letter in the middle.

"You haven't opened it", i said

"No we were waiting for you to get home, so sit down", my dad said before i went and sat beside my mom. She grabbed the letter and opened it, she took the page out and read it. There was just complete silence.

"Mom what does it say?", i ask

"I guess were going on holiday", she says making everyone cheer. Were actually going on holiday were going on a damn holiday. My mom went to call the holiday people so she knew when the tickets were arriving and to tell them how many tickets to send. Kat and Leigh went home to tell their parents. I can't wait to go on holiday, only two weeks till were off.

2 weeks later

Jade's POV

Here we go another day of work. I get up and pull open the curtains, nearly getting blinded by the sun. I go to the bathroom and wash my face and brush  my hair. I walk back out, put my uniform ( This is what i imagined it to look like but if you want to change the shoes then go ahead i didn't know whether to put converse or flip flops at part of the uniform so you choose) on. I check the time and see i have to be down to the lobby in 5 minutes. I quickly put my shoes on and run down to the lobby. I run down to see my uncle Dan at the reception desk.

"Hey Dan", i say leaning on the desk

"Hey Jade, hey what have i told you about leaning on the desk", he said before i stand up straight.

"Sorry, so i better go and get some breakfast im starving", i say as my stomach rumbles once again.

"Okay Lauren and Jesy went in to the dining room about ten minutes ago anyway so go ahead", he said before i run on into the dining room. I walk in and see most of the staff sitting having some breakfast, i say hi to them before I see Jesy and Lauren sitting at a table eating. I sneak up behind them and clap my hands making them both nearly jump out of their skin.

"What the hell Jade, i nearly choked on my food", Jesy said taking a drink while i was laughing at the two. Their faces were priceless.

"I'm sorry but i couldn't help myself", i said trying to stop laughing but failing. Lauren hit my arm making me stop laughing. I leave them and go and take some food before returning back to the table.

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