Chapter 21

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Perrie's POV

"Pez!!!", i hear Kat shout shaking me. God why is she so annoying especially in the morning. I turn around and open my eyes slowly.

"Come on Perrie. I'm hungry and Leigh is being a pain in the ass. Plus you never turn down food", she said shaking me once again.

"Ok I'll get up. But right now your being the pain in the ass", i said sitting up while rubbing my eyes.

"Rude", Kat said acting hurt making us both laugh. I got up and got dressed. Then we headed to the dining room. On the way me and Kat messed around in the corridors, i honestly couldn't breathe with all the laughing I was doing.

Kat pushed me into the elevator and just like before we messed around until it stopped and in came a girl around our age. Wait the girl. The one that Jade kissed, well this is just brilliant.

"Hi", she said To me and kat

"Hi I'm Kat and this is Perrie", Kat said as I waved

"Nice to meet you I'm grace", she said smiling. The elevator had went down to the lobby by this time. Thank god.

"Well nice to meet you and I'll see you around", she said

"Yeah you too", Kat said before grace walked away. I began to walk to the dining room when Kat grabbed my arm.

"Hey, what's wrong? You look really down all the sudden", she said looking worried

"Nothing. I'm fine now can we get some food. I thought you were hungry", i said

"We can after you tell me the truth", she said still holding my arm.

"Kat I am telling the truth", i said before she finally let go of my arm. We walked into the dining room and got some food. Leigh had just arrived by the time we had sat down so we all just talked and ate our breakfast.

I looked up and saw Jade walk in and I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. She walked over to a table with around five girls, what is she doing? When some of the girls went to get some food it revealed something I really wish I didn't see. There was Jade and grace kissing. It hurt now and it hurt yesterday too. I think it'll always hurt to see someone you care so much about with someone else.

I looked down as soon as I saw them and played with my food. Kat followed were I was looking and showed Leigh.

"So you did lie to me when I asked what's wrong earlier?", Kat asked and i nodded

"I'm sorry Pez. But hey just because she moved on doesn't mean you can't get her back", Leigh said

"Yeah like I'm going to get her back now", i said

"Pez you never know. Why don't you move on too?", Kat asked

"Are you serious? You think it's that easy for me. I love her so much and I only want to be with her. You should know how I feel since you broke up with Lauren", i said my voice rising

"I'm just saying", she said

"Yeah well I'm just saying I want her nobody else", i said storming out. God life sucks

Jade's POV

I was having some breakfast and talking to grace and her friends when I seen Perrie storm out. What's up with her?

"Jade", grace said kissing my cheek

"What? Sorry I was day dreaming", i said

"I was asking if you were ok?", she said with that adorable smile

"I'm ok babe", i smile

Soon after that I had to start work. During the day i seen grace a lot and I know I should be so happy but I'm still worried about Perrie. I wanted to help out but I know she probably wants nothing to do with me.

I was washing some glasses when I seen Kat sprint towards me.

"What's wrong?", i ask

"She's disappeared", she panted

"What? Kat who's disappeared?", i ask really worried now

"Perrie. I don't know where she is. Nobody has seen her", she said

I sprinted out of the hotel throwing my apron away as I went. She can't be gone. Anything could happen here. Please god keep her safe. I ran to the beach and she wasn't there. I ran everywhere I could think of and then it hit me. I ran and ran until I reached the ice cream shop were we went on our first date.

I ran to the table we sat at and there she was eating ice cream watching some cartoons on the TV. Still such a dork. I walk up to the table and sit beside her

"Why did you run Away", i say making her jump

"Jade you nearly killed me", she said holding her chest

"Sorry but you scared everyone at the hotel looking for you", i said

"Yeah sorry", she said playing with her ice cream

"Why?", i asked

"Why am I sorry?", she said

"Why did you disappear?", i asked

"It's stupid", she said playing with her ice cream again

"Tell me please", i said

"I miss you and i definitely miss us. I was going on a walk the other night when I seen you and that girl grace kiss. I couldn't handle it. Then this morning I seen you two together again. I know it's my fault and I hate myself for it. So yeah that's why I disappeared. I came here because we have memories here the best memories", she said taking me by surprise

"Wow. You feel that way?", i ask shocked

"Yeah", she nods looking down

"I'm sorry", i said as I hug her. She hugged back, after a few seconds we both let go. It was then I realised just how close our faces were. She started leaning in and I......

There you go guys. Hope you like it i have so much work to do but I'm taking a break from that so I worked on this.

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