Chapter 7 (Finally)

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Jade's POV

Thank god she forgave me, there's still hope. I can't wait until tonight, wait i haven't even planned anything because i've been so busy with work. And Shay popping up places doesn't exactly help. She's been following me since she got here, yeah i know she wants us back together but i don't. Plus we would still be together if she was a decent girlfriend but no she couldn't even be that. Jesy and Lauren are the only ones that know how me and Shay were as a couple.It all started last year in the summer.


My dad and uncle had been looking for a new life guard, as my cousin had got into an accident and broken a few of his bones. I didn't really know anything about the new lifeguard all i knew was that they were staying here for a few months until my cousin was back on his feet

It must have been late May when i heard from Jesy that the new life guard was coming to today, i didn't really take much notice because knowing my dad and uncle they'd pick some pervy little teenage boy. So i just got on with my work for today. I knew i had a shift at the pool bar so i got changed into my sneakers rather then my flip flops.

The bar wasn't really busy today so i just started cleaning some glasses and drying them as i waited for people to order drinks. I remember i dropped one of the glasses, lucky i was wearing sneakers rather than flip flops. I started

"Oh my god are you alright? I'm so sorry i didn't mean to scare you and i definitely didn't mean for that to happen", the tan beauty said

"It's fine really, don't worry about it", i said holding my head

"Here let me take a look at it, my mom is a nurse and my dad is in the army so i've seen a few bruises in my time", she said before i walked out from behind the bar and to a table were she was at. I sit down at the table before she moves her chair really close to mine. Our faces were inches apart, we both just sat there smiling at one another. She was gorgeous.

"You know if you want me to check your head your going to have to move your hand", she said while smirking at me breaking the silence

"Oh sure sorry", i said moving my hand from my head

"Don't worry it's fine", she said before she started checking my head. After a little while she smiled at me again

"Your head is fine just a little bump nothing to be worried about", she said smiling at me

"Thanks how about i get you a drink on the house for doing that for me", i say walking back behind the bar.

"Well i was here for a drink and there free anyway so", she said giggling at my stupidity

"Shit, sorry. I was trying to be smooth", i say as she giggles more

"No it was cute don't worry, that was more effort than most of my exes", she said making me smile.

"Well they were stupid for letting you go", i say

"See that was smooth and thank you", she said lightly blushing

"No problem so what can i get a pretty girl like yourself?", i asked

"I'll just have a sprite, thanks", she says before i grab a glass and pour her her drink before giving it to her

"There you go", i say handing it to her

"Thank you, i'll see you around", she said taking a sip of her drink

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