Chapter 3

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Jade's POV

Last night was so good, Perrie literally takes my breath away. She is so beautiful and so nice. This morning me, Jesy and Lauren all woke up at our usual times of 6:30 am, yeah that's right 6:30 AM. Every morning we get up at that time and trust me when i say it took a very long time to get used to it. My dad and uncle have it the worst though, they both wake up at like 5 am to make sure everything is ready for the next day.

We had just got breakfast and started to plan the show tonight, the main show was actually my cousin Josh who's 19, so a year older than me he was the also the life guard. He loves singing and writing music so every once in a while he does a little show.

Us three had finally planned everything, during the planning we seen Perrie, Kat and Leigh going to sit by the pool. They each waved at us but i definitely smiled a lot wider when Perrie smiled and waved at me. And i'm pretty sure Lauren and Jesy noticed.

"Wow Jade your smiling like a kid at Christmas", Lauren said making me blush.

"Why don't you just ask her out dude. You only have a month", Jesy said making me think about asking Perrie, i mean of course i wanted nothing more than to take Perrie out and show her around and obviously make her my girlfriend. But there was so much standing between that, i didn't want her to think this will only be a fling because that's definitely not what i want. Then there's the fact that she's going back home in a month and the fact the 'she' could come back.

"Jesy you know how i am around girl's i like i freeze up when i try to ask them out, never mind ask Perrie out. It took me so long to ask, you know who out", i say thinking of her.

"Hey stop it, i am not letting you think about her, she has never deserved you. Perrie on the other hand you do not understand how much i want you two to be together. Your crazy about her and she is crazy for you", Lauren said

"Thanks Lauren", i says high fiving her.

"Now let's go see these beautiful ladies shall we?", Jesy suggests while clearly staring at Leigh.

"Sure you two go ahead, i'll go get some drinks for us all", i say making my way over to the bar where my uncle Dan was serving the guests.

"Hey Dan", i said grabbing the glasses before i started to make the drinks.

"Hey, Who's the extra three drinks for?", my uncle says

"Those three girl's you know they won the contest, with the other four guests", i say pouring the drinks out.

"Oh yeah, so i see Jesy and Lauren have taken a liking to two of them, the other one is very pretty though. So did u get left with her or do you actually like her?", he asked making me blush.

"I'll take that as a yes then. Well go and talk to her a bit more. Go and use that magic Thirlwall charm on her", he says making us both laugh.

"Sir yes sir", i say as i put all the drinks on a tray and bring out the drinks. I walk out to see them all talking and laughing. I place the drinks on the small table beside them, i hand everyone there drinks and hand Perrie hers.

"Diet Coke you remembered", she said taking another sip of her drink

"Yeah of course i did", i say making us both smile. We all talk for a while before we all decided to go get ready for the beach. After another little while we were all ready and met just outside the gate at the entrance.

"You ladies all look really nice", Jesy says making them all blush. Wow dude back off

"So shall we head to the beach?", Lauren asked before we all agreed and started to walk towards the beach. The beach was like 10 minutes away from the hotel if you walked slowly like us. Leigh and Jesy walked a head of everyone, Lauren and Kat were just in front of me and Perrie. We were all talking to one another except me and Perrie there was just silence but not bad silence if that makes sense.

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