Chapter 14

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Perrie's POV

Today has been a very good day, first Jade gets the morning off and she spends it with me. Then she takes her top off, thank you jesus. And Know Jade just told us that her and Jesy and Lauren get the evening off. We all decided to head out for dinner tonight, right now me, Kat and Leigh were all getting ready. We all went with a simple outfit, after all were only going for dinner. As we were doing our make up, Jade texted me saying that her and the girls will be here in 5 minutes.

"Hey guys the girls will be here soon, Jade just texted me", I said after reading Jade's message.

"Ok, we should be done soon anyway", Leigh said as we all finished off our make up. I was finished a few minutes before them so i just lay on my bed playing some games. Of course Leigh was the last one to finish up as always. I swear that girl is a perfectionist.

We were about to leave our room when there was a knock on our door. Must be the girls, we all fix ourselves before opening the door, but nobody was there just a letter. It said on it, To Perrie

"It's just a letter for Perrie, Probably Jade being all cute", Leigh said making her and Kat aww at me while i blushed. They walked away back to there beds, i picked up the letter and closed the door. I also went back to my bed and was about to open the letter when the door knocked again.

We all opened the door to see our three beautiful girlfriends standing in front of us. They also chose simple outfits, Leigh basically threw herself into Jesy's arms while Kat took hold of Lauren's hand. I was about to take hold of Jade's hand when she grabbed my waist and kissed me. Wow just wow.

"Sorry couldn't help myself", she said after we pulled away from the kiss

"No i really enjoyed it", i said making her smile

"Me too", she said before pecking my lips one more time.

"Come on horn dogs, i'm hungry", we heard Jesy shout making us blush and run down the corridor to them. Were not that bad are we?

Jade's POV

We all walked along the beach looking for a place to eat but so far we all just couldn't agree on were to go, we had been walking for about 20 minutes when we seen a bar but me, Jesy and Lauren had been here before and the food was amazing.

"What about here", i suggested pointing at the bar

"Good choice Jadey", Jesy said high fiving me

"Guys please can we eat here the food is soo good here", Lauren said like a little kid

"Sure lead the way", Kat said before we all made our way to the bar. It wasn't too busy so that was good because i'm not waiting half an hour on my food, no way this girl needs to eat as quickly as possible. We got a table and ordered our drinks, now were waiting to order our food.

"So how did you three meet?", Leigh asked

Well my grandpa owned the hotel and i would come here every so often, then my grandpa got really sick and passed away leaving the hotel to my dad and uncle. I moved out here when i was around 9 and i met Jesy at my new school along with Lauren who has lived here since she was a baby. Then we became friends and yeah we all got jobs at the hotel", i say

"That's nice", Kat said

"How did you all meet?", Jesy asked

"Well us three have been friends since we were born all three of our families are very close so yeah were basically family to each other", Perrie says

"Cool", i said smiling at her

Shortly after while we were all talking about random things a waiter came to our table to get our orders. I could see he kept looking at Perrie. This dude is going to get his ass kicked if he keeps staring at my girlfriend. He eventually walked away but not without winking at Perrie which made her uncomfortable.

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