Chapter 23

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Jade's POV

"So your telling me that you after ignoring Perrie for months because of what she did to you, you actually want to get her back?", Lauren asked

"Yes", I said playing with my fingers

"You are so confusing. What made you change your mind anyway?", jesy asked

"Well I've always loved her, then I realised that I do want her back she makes me really happy. Then the kiss happened and all the feelings came back"

"What?! When were you going to tell us you and Perrie kissed?", jesy asked choking on her water

"I don't know", I said

"Well my advice would be to go get her back if you truly want to", Lauren said trying to help jesy stop coughing

"I really do", I say smiling

"Aww little jadey is all smiley again. That hasn't happened in a long time", jesy teased

"Yeah summer is nearly over so why can't we just enjoy it and be happy like we were at the start of summer", I say

"Couldn't agree more", Lauren said making us all smile.

"So I need help on how to get Perrie back", I say

"You've came to the right place", jesy said making us all laugh.

Perrie's POV

Ever since the kiss me and jade shared I couldn't stop thinking about it. No literally it's all I thought about day or night. I was thinking about it last night and that resulted in me walking into a door. But then again I do that all the time even if I am concentrating on not walking into the door. Clumsy? Definitely

Leigh and Kat walked into the room from the balcony just as I was finished getting dressed.

"It's so warm and it's only 10am", Leigh said fanning herself

"So what's today's plans?", I asked

"Get some breakfast and then I was thinking explore since we haven't really did that", Kat said grabbing her phone

"Sounds good to me", Leigh said

"Isn't that jades jacket your wearing?", Kat said smirking

"I guess it is", I blush

We all walk down to the dining room and take a seat. There's this one chef that always flirts with me every time I come here. I only play along because I feel bad if I just turn him down.

"Oh look Perrie it's your soon to be baby", Leigh says causing Kat to laugh

"I told you guys I don't like him. I would just feel bad if I straight up turned him down", I say looking at the food

"I wasn't talking about him", she said pointing towards the dining room doors. I look up to see jade.

"Aww Leigh now she's blushing", Kat said making me blush more.

I ignore them and continue to look at jade, she looks up and spots me. She smiles making me Blush so hard. After I stop blushing I look up to see her laughing at me.

When I finally thought me and jade were making progress. Grace walks in and kiss jade on the cheek before sitting down opposite jade. I forgot about her.

Jade's POV

"So what is it you needed to talk to me so early in the morning", she said making us both laugh

"I actually needed to talk to you about us", I said

"Oh ok. What about us?", she asked

"Look you are such an amazing girl and if I didn't like someone else I would definitely date you. But this other girl has had my heart since the day I met her. I'm so sorry", I said

"Thank you Jade. You're amazing too. I wish we could stay together but I understand, if you really like this other person you have to go for it. We can still be friends right?", she asked

"Definitely and thank you so much for understanding", I say hugging her

"It's fine. Go get your girl. I'll see you around", she said before leaving. Stage one of getting Perrie back: Complete

Perrie's POV

We've been exploring this amazing place for a while now and I was trying so hard to enjoy myself and take all the beautiful scenery in. But all I could think about was one beautiful girl.

"Pez what's wrong?", Kat asked taking a seat beside me

"Nothing. It's nothing really", I said

"Ok now we know it's serious", Leigh said taking the other seat beside me

"I want jade back. This morning I thought we were making progress but then Grace walked in and then I realised she's with jade", I said

"Aww Pez. Do you really want her back?", Kat asked

"100%", I said

"Let's get you back and we can relax for the rest of the day. We'll try to make you feel better. Tonight we were going to go and get pizza. But I'm guessing you'd rather stay and be alone tonight?", Leigh asks

"Yeah thanks guys", I say smiling

"We're best friends, it's what we do for each other", Kat said

The rest of the day we spent by the pool, joking around and just relaxing. It actually got jade off my mind for a good while but I did see her every so often. Which I guess was good because I loved seeing her around.

Right now Leigh and Kat had gone to get their pizza like they said earlier. So now I was in the room alone watching different kinds of YouTube videos. I was just about to click the next video when I heard a knock on the door. That's weird, maybe Kat and Leigh are back early.

I Open the door to see jade standing there.

"Hi", she said

"Hey", I said

"Can I come in?", she asked

"Oh yeah sure come on in", I said letting her in and closing the door after.

"So I wanted to talk to you", she said

"Ok what about?", I asked

"Us", she said

"U-Us?", I said. Damn stuttering

"Yeah. I've thought about you a lot and after the kiss and every thing I couldn't get it out of my mind. I can't stand when that stupid chef flirts with you", she said

"What are you saying then?", I asked as my heart started beating faster

"I'm saying I want you back", she said

"Wow", I said

"Yeah. I know I've been such a dick to you for so long after you came back and I'm so sorry for that", she said

"I forgive you for that jade", I said

"Well what do you say? Do you want us again?", she asked

"I don't know"

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