Chapter 9

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Perrie's POV

I walk back into the dining room after my encounter with Shay. I'm not going to lie that was so weird. I mean i thought she hated me but now all the sudden she wants to be my friend, that doesn't sound right but hey i'll keep an open mind, for now. Everyone deserves a chance.....right?

I walk back to my table and sit down between Kat and Leigh, as i sit down i see them both look at me funny. Did i have something in my teeth? Of course not idiot, you haven't even eating yet.

"What's up with you two?", i ask

"What's up? Seriously we were worried about you being alone with her. She seems dangerous", Leigh says while Kat agrees.

"We just spoke that's all", i said

"About what?", Kat asks

"She wants to be my friend and stop this awkward thing", i say standing up from my seat.

"What? She hates you because Jade really likes you. So why the hell would she offer to be your friend", Kat said while nearly choking on her drink.

I laugh at her before going to get some food, i grab a plate and put some food on my plate. I walk past some of the foods to see if i like anything else, i see the final chicken breast sitting there and i rush to get it before someone else does. I was about to grab the the spoon to lift it but someone else grabs it before me.

I sigh and look up to see whoever stole my chicken, i swear i'll kill whoever stole- oh my god it's Jade. I don't know whether to be happy because its Jade or sad because i can't have chicken now. She looks really good, she was wearing a pair of tight denim shorts and a white t shirt. She made a simple outfit look so good.

"Are you ok?", she asks because i was basically checking her out. I look at her to see her smirking at me. Damn it she caught me.

"Oh yeah sorry, i was just getting something to eat that's all", i say

"You look quite upset over this chicken", she says

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter anyway, i should get back to my family", i say beginning to walk back to my table before i make any more of an idiot out of myself.

"Hey Perrie", Jade calls after me, i turn around to see her walking towards me.

"Yeah?", i reply

"Aren't you forgetting something?", she asks making me confused.

"No i don't think so. Why?", i ask

"I think you forgot this", she said before putting the chicken on my plate. Which made me smile like an idiot for some reason.

"Thank you very much, are you sure?", i ask while smiling at her

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