Chapter 22

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We both lean in and that's when our lips meet. The fireworks from before we're definitely still there. We both continued to kiss until air became a need. We both pulled away and smiled at one another. Next thing I knew Perrie jumped on my lap and crashed our lips together. It was all going amazing until one thing popped into my head. Grace.

"Wait Perrie. I can't do this", I say pulling away out of breath

"What? Why not?", she asked confused

"I have grace", I say getting up and running my fingers through my hair.

"Oh", was all she said looking down and playing with her fingers.

"I'm sorry Perrie. I really am. I do still love you but I can't cheat on grace. I really like her and I love you but I'm still hurt from what happened before", I say sitting down beside her.

"I understand that", she said

"Thank you. I better get back to the hotel and get to my room. You should too pez I mean Perrie", I said as she stood up.

We both began walking back to the hotel. The walk was completely silent and kind of awkward. We make it back to the hotel and she just walks off to her room without another word to me. I understand that though, I've probably pissed her off by leading her on. I didn't mean to though.

I walk off to my room and fall onto my bed. I take my phone out and see I have a message from grace. Great now I'm a cheater. I opened her text.

From Grace

Hey jadey. I haven't seen you a lot today. But I hope your ok. And I'll come to your room in the morning. Bye cutie :)

I sigh and text her back.

To grace

Hey beautiful. Sorry I was so busy today and yeah I'll see you in the morning I'm having an early night tonight. Bye babe

Typing that made me feel sick. I feel so dirty and guilty. What have you done jade? You idiot.

I change into something more comfortable and get into bed. Still feeling sick. I didn't get asleep for about an hour later that night.

I wake up and and get ready for work. As I put my shoes on I hear a knock at the door. Oh grace. Oh shit. I open the door to see her smiling

"Hey babe", I say kissing her cheek and letting her in

"Hi. Nice room", she says looking around.

"Thanks I try to make it look good as much as i can, since I don't have an actual house", I say smiling

I can't do this anymore. I have to tell her the truth. I need to, it making me feel sick. I sit down on the couch

"What's wrong?", she sits down beside me

"Grace I need to tell you something", I say taking a deep breath

"Sure what is it? Before you say anything though. I want to thank you for making my summer the best ever", she said smiling at me

"Ummm", I look at her. I can't tell her and ruin her summer. It's not the right time.

"I just wanted to say you look beautiful today", I say smiling kissing her cheek

"Thank you", she blushed. We decided to go get some food. We walk out of my room holding hands. I see Perrie get out of the elevator and look at me and grace. She storms ahead.

"You ok?", grace asks

"Yeah I'm ok", I smile continuing to walk with her.

"Hey I'm gonna go to the little girls room. I'll be back soon", grace said kissing my cheek before running off.

I walk into the dining room and see some young chef flirting with Perrie. I see her blush and giggle to whatever her said. I could control the anger and jealousy I felt seeing that. I know I need Perrie back but how? God help me out man. Come on.

I'm so sorry guys for leaving this so long. I was just very stressed out and I just wanted to relax a little but you all deserve this chapter at least. Sorry if it's crappy. I'm running out of ideas so suggestions would be appreciated very much.

Anyway hope you enjoy as always

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