Chapter 24

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I don't know What I want anymore. I want Jade back but I don't want her to hate me like last time.

"What do you mean you don't know?", she asks

"Well I don't want you to hate me like last time. You wouldn't even be in the same room as me", I say playing with my fingers

"I wont I swear. Look Pez if i really and truly hated you from the last time then I wouldn't be standing here to try and get you back. I know how I acted was a dick move. I was never truly hated you. I hated the fact I lost you", she said

"Yes", I said

"Wait what?", she said

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend", i say smiling at her

"No way", she said before running and picking me up. When she set me back down all we could do was stare into each others eyes. She started leaning and so did I, until our lips met. All the sparks from before instantly came back. The weird feeling in my stomach was well and truly back.

"Hey Pez we brought back some pizza for-", Leigh said while busting in with kat.

"Never mind I see you've already ate", she said smirking and winking at me. I hit her arm

"Hi Jade", Kat said

"Hey Kat. Hey Leigh", Jade said

"So Jade, what are you doing here?", Leigh asked

"I came here to talk to Perrie about something", Jade replied

"And that something is?", Leigh said

"Leigh. You can't ask that they obviously were talking about something private", Kat said

"No it's fine Kat. I came here to talk to Perrie about us maybe getting back together", Jade said

"So are you two back together? Is Jerrie back?", Leigh asked

"Jerrie is back", i said making both me and Jade smile

"Thank god. It's about time you two realise you needed each other", Leigh said

"Thanks for the support Leigh", i say

"No problem", she says smiling

"Well I better get going and let you all get to bed", Jade said walking towards the door. I followed her out and pulled her back

"What's wrong?", she asked

"You forgot something", I said before kissing her

"Well I'm glad I forgot something now", she said making us smile. She pecked my lips one more time before she went back to her room.

I went back into my room and lay down smiling. I finally have Jade back. It's so weird that only a few hours ago I said I would love to get here back and here we are now. Back together.

I spent the rest of my night smiling and thinking of Jade before finally passing out with exhaustion.

Maybe now me and Jade will last. I really really hope So. I could definitely see myself with Jade for the rest of my life. Who knows though. Let's see what happens at the moment.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but this is most likely the second last chapter of this book.

I had wrote more but it deleted so I had to start over and forgot what I what I wanted to put into the chapter.
Anyway I'm running out of ideas on how to end the story. So any ideas would be amazing and extremely helpful.

Hope you like this chapter

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