Chapter 10

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I ignore the text because i'm super tired and i don't have a clue who just texted me. i place my phone back down beside me and get comfortable. I wake up to some loud noise, i open my eyes and see Kat awake too. Leigh was still fast asleep. That girl could sleep through a war, i swear.

"What is that sound?", i ask Kat

"I think it's Leigh's phone", she says while rubbing her eyes. I sit up in my bed and me and Kat call Leigh's name countless times, she still hadn't woken up even when we shouted her name. God how can someone sleep like this? I grab my shoe and throw it at her. If this doesn't wake her up i don't know what will.

i throw the shoe and hit her right in the head, making her jump up. Me and Kat tried to hold in our laughter but failed big time. Leigh quickly grabbed the shoe and threw it at me, i ducked just in time making the shoe hit a lamp and smash it. Oops?

"Leigh! You just smashed that lamp you idiot", Kat shouted.

"Why were you throwing shoes at me anyway?", she asked

"Because your stupid phone was ringing really loud and woke me and Kat up. So if were up so are you", i say

"What! My phone was ringing, that was probably Jesy. Why didn't you wake me sooner?", she said grabbing her phone and going out to the balcony. Me and Kat looked at each other, how did she not hear us? 

"You get dressed and i'll phone the front desk so someone can pick up this broken lamp", Kat says as we both get out of bed.

"Ok but isn't that just another excuse for you to talk to lauren?", i ask smirking at her.

"Maybe", she says blushing. I laugh before i start picking out some clothes to wear. I jut throw on some clothes because i was starving. Kat and Leigh came back and got dressed too. We were about to leave when someone knocked on our door. I opened it to see Jade, Lauren and Jesy.

"Jesy!", Leigh shouted before running to Jesy.

"What are all you guys doing here?", Kat asks

"Well my dad sent me and Lauren up here to clean the glass and to take the lamp away", said Jade

"I just came to see Leigh", Jesy says hugging Leigh.

"Yeah me and Jesy are going to head down and get some breakfast. See you down there, Leigh said before her and Jesy walk out the door hand in hand. Me and Kat waited until Jade and Lauren had finished there job. Lauren was bring down the mess when Kat tagged with her, leaving me and Jade alone.

"So hows my girlfriend?", she said making me blush and look down at my feet. She came closer to me and lifted my head up lightly so i met her gaze.

"Still now used to me saying that huh?", she asked making me nod.

"Look if you don't want me to say it i wont. I want you to be comfortable", she said making me smile. She's so caring and thoughtful. Aww i love her. Wait! What! I cant love her we haven't even been dating for 24 hours. Maybe my tiredness is getting to me, yeah that's it.

"No i really like when you call me your girlfriend. It means i can call you my girlfriend", i say making us both smile.

"Yeah it does. So may i have a kiss?", she says with puppy eyes making her adorable.

"Come here then", i say as she come closer. She moves a bit of hair out of my face and leans in before our lips meet. It was so slow and soft. It was amazing. We pull away shortly after and her hand is still on my cheek. We both smile as she steps back a little.

"Wow, do you want to go get some breakfast now?", she asks while looking at her shoes. I step forward and put my hand in hers making her look at me and smile.

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