Chapter 12

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Shay's POV

Who does Jade think she is? She thinks she can tell me who i can and can't talk to. I don't think so. All i was trying to do was be nice to Perrie and give her a chance, who knows we could become best friends someday. To be honest i don't even want Jade back.... Well not yet anyways. I love Jade a lot i mean i have since i first met her, how can i not she's adorable, beautiful, smart, funny and so much more. Your probably thinking if you think she is all that, why did you cheat? Well let me tell you, what really happened.


Lately Jade has been very focused on her school work and her job which i like about her that she likes to push herself. Little did she know when she said she was going to meet up with Jesy, i seen her talk to some other girl and they looked really friendly. The girl hugged Jade and handed her a piece of paper, which i'm guessing had her number on it.

That's when i snapped, i ran back to the hotel and went straight to my room. For a few hours i didn't know what to do i kept walking up and down my room. That's when i had an idea, if Jade didn't want me well then i don't want her either.

You see since i came here one of the girls that worked her took an interest in me but i didn't pay attention because all i wanted was Jade, but maybe now that jade can see other people so can i. I stormed out of my room and went out by the pool to find Reagan. She was really pretty but Jade was more for me.

"Hey Regan", i said

"Oh hey Shay", she said

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out now?", i said

"Sure, where?", she asked

"Oh my room", i said

"Alright then, let's go"

We went to my room and watched some TV and talked. But i brought her here for a reason. I slowly crawl closer to her and cuddle into her. She looked at me confused but soon went back to watching some show. After a few minutes i turned my head and started lightly kissing her neck which made her jump up.

"Shay what the fuck? What about Jade?", she shouted

"I want you now, please", i said standing up

"Are you drunk?", she asked

"No i just want you now. Come on i know you want me to", i said putting my arms around her neck

"Shay your with Jade, i can't", she said

"Shhh don't think about her", i said as i slowly leaned in and kissed her. A few seconds later she started kissing back. It turned very heated and clothes were slowly coming off. I pulled her into the bedroom and let's just say we had some fun.

We were laying there in each others arms, me and Jade had never had sex so i can't really say who was better in bed. Just as i was about to get up and put some clothes on i hear my room door open. Next Jade walks in with a huge teddy bear holding a sign saying i love you. I have to admit it was cute, but why did she buy me it. Oh fuck it's our one year anniversary.

"Hey baby, happy-", she froze

"Jade wait i can explain", i said

"Why would you do this?", she asked and i could see the tears in her eyes.

"Because you were with that other girl, i saw you", i said

"That girl was my cousin. She works in the restaurant i was going to bring you to tonight. She didn't give me her number that was the reservation slip", she said tears now streaming down her face.

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