Chapter 11

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Perrie POV

After the text last night i decided to just ignore it because for all i know it could be a wrong number, hopefully. I had just woke up really early like 6am and i was soon bored out of my mind. I decided to go for a walk, so i got dressed and walked down stairs to the lobby. The place was dead not actually dead i meant more like dead as in nobody was there except a few people that worked there.

I was walking for like 20 minutes when a person ran into me which i didn't exactly appreciate very much. I got up and dusted myself off. I see the person get up and turned around.


"Shay?", i say

"Hey sorry about that i should have been watching where im going, i'm such an idiot", she said

"No don't worry it's fine", i said

"So what are you doing up so early?", she asks

"How do you know i don't get up early?", i ask

"Oh i umm, just assumed you didn't get up early because i've never seen you out here before", she said

"yeah i'm more of a stay in bed for as long as possible kind of person", i say

We talk some more before we both go our separate ways. I walk some more and discover a little comic shop. I love comics and superheros ( I actually do). I go look inside it and look at some comics. As i was about to walk out the door i see a guy stare at me. I was creeped out so i tried to get out the door as soon as possible, but he stood in front of the door.

"Hey beautiful", he said while winking at me making me sick.

"Can you move please", i say trying to open the door but he grabs my wrist.

"I'll open the door after we have a little chat", he said

"I have a girlfriend", i say trying to get out of his grip.

"She doesn't have to know", he said

"I suggest you take your hands off that girl", a man says behind the guy.

"Or what will you do grampa?", the douche said

"Or this", he said before quickly bringing the guy's hand behind his back.  He looked in pain.

"Alright let go, please", the douche cried

"Say sorry to her", the guy said

"I'm sorry ok", he said before the guy let go of his arm. The douche ran away from the guy.

Thank you so much for that", i said

"No problem", he said

"I'm Perrie", i say before shaking his hand

"I'm James or you can call me Jade's dad", he said

"Wait. Your Jade's dad?", i ask

"Yeah i am, i don't mean to sound rude but i have to go now. It was very nice meeting you", he says

"Yeah thank you again", i say before i started to make my way back to the hotel. I walk into the lobby just in time to see Kat, Leigh and Jesy getting out of the elevator.

"Oh hey", Kat said

"Where did you go?", Leigh asked

"I woke up really early so i decided to go for a walk, that's all", i said

"Ok, so where heading to get some breakfast, you in?", Kat said

"There's food of course i'm in", i say making all of them laugh.

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