Chapter 18

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What the fuck? She decides to leave and now she's coming back, i don't know why she's coming back. I'm not getting back together with her she broke up with me for a stupid reason. She didn't even want to try to make a long distance relationship work. She Just gave up on me and on us.

I thought i loved her and she throws it all aways even when I told her I loved her. It's just more drama everyday. Last night it was me and Lauren nearly kissing and now Perrie decides she's coming back here. Fuck it I'm starving

I rush into the dining room grabbing loads of food. What? I told you I'm starving. I rush to the table and nearly fall off my seat.

"Wow Jade slow down. I get your hungry but you can't be that hungry", Lauren said helping me back on my seat.

"Sorry", i mumble before tucking into my food

"It's alright. You missed Jesy's daily report on the girl she slept with last night. You should be sorry for that I had to listen to that by myself. One word terrifying", Lauren said making me laugh and making Jesy roll her eyes

"I have something to tell you guys. I got a text just before I came here. It was Perrie she's coming back. And she's arriving today", I said

"So she thinks she can just waltz in here like nothing happened?", Jesy asked

"Who does she think she is?", Lauren said

"Guys calm down. It's fine, she can come here we can't stop people coming to the hotel. But i don't have to talk to her", i said

"Your right. We'll just treat her like she's just a customer", Lauren said.

We all started spliting up as we had different jobs to do. I had the pretty enjoyable job of working at the bar. I had been serving drinks for almost three hours now when My uncle came to tell me he would cover while I go and get some lunch.

I walk in and see Jesy getting some food while Lauren sat at a table eating her food. I go over to Lauren and sit down.

"Oh hey Jadey", she said smiling

"Why wasn't I invited?", i asked

"We knew you'd be getting here soon anyway that's why", she said digging into her food again

"Here Jade i got you a plate too", Jesy said sitting Down opposite me handing me a plate

"Your a life saver", i say making them laugh.

"So when does Perrie get here?", Jesy asked

"No idea", i said

"Girls could you go and help the new customers. A whole bus full just came in", my dad said

"Yeah sure dad", i said

"Here we go. Remember treat her like every other customer", i said as we all walked round to reception.

We walk round and see loads of people signing in and going to there rooms. We helped a some people up with their bags and showed them their room. We all came back down to help the new customers, next in line was... Her. Along with Leigh and Kat.

"There all here", Lauren said

"Yep", i said

"Remember normal", Jesy said

We grabbed there bags and made our way to their room. We placed their bags in their room like we did for all the other customers and we're about to leave when Perrie Grabbed my wrist.

"Can I help you?", i asked

"Jade please. Just talk to me", she said

"I am talking", i said

"No like before", she said

"Sorry i don't know what your talking about", i said before removing my wrist from her grasp.

After my talk with Perrie I just continued my day and went to do my job so I can finally relax for a few hours and get some dinner. I was still working at the bar when I seen skylar standing at the back exit talking to someone. Since I was pretty bored I went to spy on her. What? It's fun.

I sneak up just a few feet away from where she was and hid behind a wall. I could hear her and a boys voice, secret boyfriend huh? I heard them say their goodbyes, a few seconds later skylar walked past me without noticing I was there.

"Who is that?", i asked making her jump

"Jade what are you doing there? You could have gave me a heart attack.", she shouts

"You didn't answer my question sky", i said chuckling

"Nobody he's just a boy from school. He wanted to ask what the homework was for history", she says blushing

"Seriously sky? The old he's from school that's it lie", i said

"I invented that line only it was with girls", i said

"Just leave me alone", she whined

"Fine, your wish is my command", i say making her laugh as it was a quote from our favourite Disney movie, Aladin.

I went back to the bar, and served more customers before I seen Shay walk up to the bar. Brilliant, not. This day just gets worse.

"What can I get you?", i ask her while drying some glasses

"Just a sprite", she says before I pour her out her drink.

"Here you go", i say handing the glass to her

"Thanks. So I seen Perrie is back. You and her still dating", she asks

"Umm no we broke up around a month ago", i say

"That sucks", she says. "Well I'll see you around"

She leaves just in time for my shift to be ending. Finally time for some food and sleep. I walk into the dining room and pick some food to go, i just want to go and lay down and cuddle with my blanket.

"Hey were are you going?", Lauren asks

"I just feel like going to my room", i say

"Alright. I think i might go visit my family and get dinner there my mom's food is so good", she says

"Cool. Well tell your parents hey", i say

"I will bye Jadey see you soon", she said before leaving. I eventually get to my room and crash down on the couch. I eat my food and change before passing out on my bed.

Hey guys. Sorry this is late finally got a small break from homework. Although I feel pretty sick right now but I wanted to write this because I was late updating.

Hope you all enjoy as always and if you don't please comment so I can improve.

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