Chapter 8

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Perrie's POV

"We should probably head back, my dad will kill me if he finds out our date was this long",i said

"Oh sure we should before it gets really dark", she said

We both packed everything away, and started to make our way back to the hotel. As we were walking our hands hit against. I just ignored it and that was hard when butterflies were exploding in my stomach. But those butterflies soon tripled when she interlocked our hands making me smile like an idiot.

"I know it's late but do you want to maybe stop off at that ice cream place we went on our first date", she said

"Sure I'd love that", i said as we started to make our way to the ice cream place.

I can honestly say i love this place it looks so old but really cute. We bought our usual flavours well Jade bought them after we argued about who would pay for about 5 minutes, but she did wink at me and i soon shut up. I don't know who melted quicker then me or the ice cream.

We both had just finished our ice creams when we were just around the corner from the hotel. She took my hand in hers once again and again i smiled like an idiot.

"I'm just warming our hands up, that's all", she said making us both laugh as we knew that was a lie.

We walked into the hotel and Jade said hi to some of the night time staff. We got into the elevator still holding hands. This feels so right, i know that's a cliche but i don't care its true. We both got out on my floor, she walked me the whole way to the door, she's so cute.

"I had an amazing time tonight, thank you so much", i said making us both smile

"Me too thank you for saying yes when i asked", she said

"Of course i would have said yeah, i don't know if you noticed but i kinda like you", i said making us both laugh.

"Yeah i may have noticed it a few times", she said

"Such as?", i ask

"Well that kiss might have been a give away", she said

"Yeah, you didn't seem to complain though", i said smirking at her

"Did i? I can't remember", she said smirking back at me

"Do you want a reminder?", i ask

"Yeah that would help", she says before pulling me by the waist so our bodies were right up against each other before she put a piece of hair behind my ear and caressed my cheek. Then we both leaned in until our lips both met. Explosions were going off in my stomach. We pulled away after a few seconds and rested our foreheads together.

"Yeah now i see why i didn't complain", she says making us both smile

"Yeah, sorry but i should get going", i said standing back a bit

"Oh yeah sorry go ahead, see you tomorrow blue eyes", she says before walking away.

I sigh before i take my room key out and open the door, i open it expecting Kat and Leigh to be at the door listening to everything me and jade had just said. But they weren't instead they were both in bed sleeping, wow that's new. I get changed and brush my teeth and take my make up off before finally getting into bed.

Jade's POV

I walk away from Perrie smiling so wide, my face was beginning to cramp. That date was amazing like wow. And Perrie is just indescribable that girl is something else entirely. Don't get me started on that kiss, my mind was going fuzzy at the feeling of her soft lips. I finally arrive at my room still with that smile on my face.

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