Chapter 13

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I'm so sorry guys I don't know what's wrong with my story right now but this chapter is perfect when I try to edit it but when I save it and publish it. It doesn't work the same I'm really not sure what's going on but if you go on a Computer and read this chapter it seems to work fine or if you go and read this through the Internet on your phone I think its just the app that's messing it up. I'm so sorry guys I don't know what to do
Jade's POV

Another day. Another day of work. Don't get me wrong i love working here and meeting the little kids and meeting new people. Wow that kids part sounded really creepy but you know what i mean. Right? Anyway i have a new job for today Shay has to stay off today for some reason, i wasn't really listening when my dad told me. So today i have to be the life guard. I'm happy to sit and get some sun but i am not cleaning some kids sick or shit out of the pool. Eww no never..

I just got ready and ran down to the dining room, i was so hungry. I ran down and got some food before everyone else, on my way out i wasn't really watching where i was going and bumped into someone.

"Shit, i'm sorry", i said and looked at the person. Shay. Oh no.

"Oh hey Jade", she said smiling

"Hey", i smiled back

"Why you here so early?", she asked

"I was really hungry, hey aren't you meant to be staying in your room today?", i said

"Yeah my family are coming over so i just wanted to get some breakfast before they come", she says looking nervous.

"Ok cool", i say

"Yeah well see you" she said before rushing past me. I thought i heard her mumble something but then again it's early and i'm still tired. I'm probably just imagining things. I continue my way back to my room to get some new clothes on because i have to wear a uniform just to be a life guard. Stupid i know.

I finally make it to my room and close the door and throw my keys somewhere. I walk into my room and get out of my clothes and into the life guard top and shorts. I throw on a pair of converse. I sat in my room and relaxed until Jesy and Lauren texted me saying they were coming down the corridor. I grab my key and walk out of my room to see my two best friends walking down the corridor.

"How do you look so awake", Jesy asks while rubbing her eyes.

"I woke up about an hour ago, I've already had breakfast too", i say

"Dude why would anybody get up at that time never mind then get dressed and go to get breakfast", Lauren said

"I was bored and really hungry. Anyway i seen Shay down there", i said

"Jade i told you to stay away from her", Lauren says

"I know but i literally bumped into her", i said

"Wait she isn't even meant to be here", Jesy said

"That's what i said but she said her family are coming over", i said

"Somethings up, especially when it involves her", Lauren says

"Come on were going to be late", I say as we start to go to our jobs. I had the morning off basically, so i hung out with Lauren and Jesy until i seen Perrie. Wow she looks beautiful. I run over to her and wrap my arms round her waist, she jumps a little as Leigh and Kat laugh at her.

"Baby, you scared me", she whines pouting at me

"Aww i'm sorry", i said before kissing her cheek which always makes her blush.

"Well i think were just going to go and find our own girlfriends so we don't feel like third wheels", Kat says making us laugh before they walk off.

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