Chapter 15

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Perrie's POV

What? What the hell? I was not expecting that, so Jade and Lauren dated. Wow. Plot twist much? Well it's not that shocking i mean they have been best friends since they were babies, so it makes sense. But why would Jade not want to tell me? It's not that big of a deal, right?

"Perrie, Perrie snap out of it", Leigh said snapping her fingers making me come back to earth.

"Sorry what?", i said

"You didn't speak", Kat said

"Oh right sorry", i said looking at Jade and then at Lauren.

"Why?", i said looking at Jade

"Why what?", she asked

"Why would you keep that from me?", i asked

"Oh well me and Lauren both agreed to forget about it", she said looking at Lauren

"I want to hear the story", i say while wiping my eyes

"Why?", Lauren said looking confused

"I think i deserve to know", i said

"Ok then, go ahead Jade", Lauren said

"Well as you know we were friends since we were in diapers, i think we were around 14 maybe when we developed feelings for each other, we were 15 when one day me and Lauren were having a movie marathon and we ended up cuddling and that's when i looked down and she looked up and we both leaned in and that was it we kissed. We both admitted our feelings then After that night we basically acted like a couple and i eventually asked her out and she said yeah. We were together around a year and a half when Shay came into the picture and Shay kissed me and i didn't kiss back but of course Lauren didn't see it that way and we broke up, we didn't talk for a month and we finally talked about it and both agreed that being friends would be for the best. That's it", Jade said

"Did you love each other?", Kat asked

"We haven't talked about that", Lauren said

"Did you Jade?", i said

"Yeah i did love her", she said making all of us shocked, Lauren included

"What? I loved you too", Lauren said making Jade shocked now. The whole room was silent now, nobody moved even, i don't think anybody knew what to say.

"Well today's been eventful", Jesy said breaking the awkward silence

"Ok that's it come on guys were leaving these two to talk", Leigh said before they all ran out of the room leaving me and Jade alone. We both stole glances at each other as we just sat there in silence.

"Do you hate me?", she asked

"No i don't i'm just confused", i said


"Because i really like you but all this new information is so confusing"

"I like you ok? i really like you", she says coming over and sitting in front of me

"I really like you too", i said making her smile

"Thank god", she said making us both laugh a little

"Are we still together?", she asked

"I don't know i'm not sure"

"Come on Perrie please. You know how i feel when i'm with you, i've never felt like this for someone ever. As soon as i seen you i knew you were special and i was right. Your different a very good different. And when i make you smile i know i've done something right, i never wanted to be the reason your upset but i guess i messed that up, didn't I? I'm really sorry i didn't tell you about me and Lauren but that's over she's like a sister to me now, i know that sounds weird but you know what i mean", she said staring me right in the eyes

"It's hard Jade", i say before she pounces forward and caresses my cheek still looking into my eyes. I love her eyes so much.

"Please Perrie, you know when we kiss it takes your breath away. It takes my breath away too. If you tell me to leave i'll just go", she whispers inches away from my lips before she leans in and kiss me. I soon kiss back and i know i always say this but that kiss was the best kiss ever.

"Stay", i said when we broke apart making her grin

"Thank you so much", she says jumping to hug me making me fall back on the bed. She hugged me very tightly making us both laugh. She was straddling me as we got lost in each others eyes once again.

"I love you", she whispers taking me by surprise

"I love you too", i whisper back before she leaned down kissing me once more which was more like making out.

"Hey are you two-, Oh get it girl", Leigh said making me and Jade blush. Awkward. Jade got up and kissed me before leaving.

Kat came back shortly after Jade left, we were all getting ready for bed. I am exhausted. I was first in bed because I love sleep and I need as much as possible.

"So you and Jade are good?", Kat asked

"Yeah we are", i said smiling

"There very good. I caught them nearly getting it on", Leigh said making me blush and making Kat laugh

"Shut up and go to sleep", i said laying down and turning my light out. I'm really glad me and Jade are back on course.

Hey guys :)

Here's a short chapter. I haven't really had time so I thought I'd at least get a chapter out even if it's not as long.

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Bye Guys :D

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