Chapter 2

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Perrie's POV

We went down to the lobby but Lauren wasn't there anymore, which Kat wasn't too happy about. We went to the dining room and got something to eat, the food here was so good. I wanted to go get more food but Leigh and Kat pulled me out before i could even finish my food. They wouldn't let me stay because they needed to go to the bathroom and touch their make up up.

I stood and watched how much effort they were putting into this right now, i have never seen them be this careful for a girl before. When they finally finished we walked to the bar and got some drink, it was super hot outside. We found three sun loungers near the pool, we went and lay down and just talked for a while. We had went into the pool for a while to cool down a bit.

We came out and dried ourselves before we saw Lauren and Jesy playing a game of snooker. Both Leigh and Kat rushed to grab their phones so they could quickly check their reflection. Once they made sure they looked good they walked over and started talking to Jesy and Lauren. The way they acted around them was so different then how they act usually. They were all the sudden really quiet and shy, it was obvious they liked them.

I looked down at my drink to see it empty, i got up and went over to them.

"Hey Lauren, hey Jesy", i said smiling at them

"Hey Perrie", they both said

"So i'm just going to get a drink you want one?", i ask Kat and Leigh

"Sure", they both said

"Ok, would you two like a drink", i ask Lauren and Jesy

"No thanks, Jade is getting us drinks", Lauren says before i make my way back inside and over to the bar. There was nobody there so at least i won't have to wait, but oh shit Jade is working at the bar.

"Hey, Perrie right?", she asks with that cute smile.

"Yeah and your Jade", i say

"Yeah that's me, so what can i get you?", she asks and i just freeze

"Is there something wrong?", she asks making me blush

"Yeah everything is fine, like you", i say before slapping my hand over my mouth. Perrie why did you just say that. I looked at her and see her smiling at me with a slight blush.

"Thank you very much, your very pretty", she says making butterflies explode in my stomach.

"Thank you", i say looking at the ground and blushing.

"No problem, so what can i get you?", she asks

"Could i have two coca cola and one lemonade please", i say

"Sure coming right up", she says before she went and poured the drinks out, she handed me them with that amazing smile of hers. I smiled back at her before trying to lift the drinks, but i couldn't lift all three drinks.

"Here let me help, i'm off my shift now anyway. Plus i have to get Lauren and Jesy a drink", she says grabbing the last remaining drink and putting Jesy and Lauren's drink on a tray before walking out to the pool with me. When Kat saw me and Jade walking out together she smirked at me and winked making me blush.

"Here  you go", i say handing the drinks out to everyone.

"What took you so long Jade, i've been waiting for that drink for 20 minutes", Lauren said making us all laugh.

"Hey leave her alone she was talking to Perrie, she got very distracted, huh Jade", Jesy said making Jade laugh and blush. She was so cute

We all just talked and played snooker for a little while until they had to go and help out some people. I'm pretty sure Leigh and Jesy were eye fucking for a good hour. When they left Kat and Leigh basically fan girled over them. I had to hold back from fan girling over Jade, i've known her less than 12 hours yet i really like her, is that bad?

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