Chapter 19

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Jade's POV

I woke up to someone banging on my door. Fuck sake can't a girl sleep in peace for once, I'm beyond tired. I throw my bedroom door open and go to open the front door.

I open it to see my little sister skylar standing at the door looking very worried if you ask me. As soon as I opened the door she ran in.

"Morning to you too", i said sarcastically while closing the door.

"Sorry just wanted to see my sister. Good morning", she said still trying to catch her breath. Nah something is up.

"Ok tell me the truth this time", i said sitting Down beside her

"I'm running from dad", she said

"Why? What have you done?", i asked

"Nothing he just caught me doing something I shouldn't", she said looking down

"Last time you said that you smashed one of the balconies. While Someone was in it", i said making us both laugh at the memory

"I know but hey I didn't hit anyone", she said

"Yeah I guess. So what happened this time?", i asked

"Dad caught me kissingaboythismorning", she said super quickly.

"I'm sorry could you maybe say that in English", i said

"Dad caught me kissing a boy this morning", she said making me smirk

"Tut tut tut. Sky how could you? Dad will kill him just saying", i said

"I know and he's trying to kill me", she said

"Don't worry, he just gives you a long lecture on how you should be more responsible and how your too young to do those kind of things", i said

"Wait. How do you know?", she said now smirking at me

"Dad caught me kissing a girl when I was 16. After he gave me a lecture", i said

"I guess I know where I get it from", she said

"That's right little sis", i said high fiving her.

After that she watched tv while I got ready for work. We walked down to the lobby and she made a run for it when she seen my dad. I remember when I used to be like her.

I grabbed my breakfast to go and went to sit outside. I remember I would to do this when I was little. I would sneak food out and come sit on the chairs and eat my breakfast. The first time I did that my parents nearly had a heart attack but after I did it a few times they know we're I was.

I eat my breakfast and went to go find my dad to see what my jobs were for today.

"Hey dad, what do I have to do today?", i ask leaning over his desk

"You have the kids club today and collecting glasses outside today", he said

"Cool thanks", i before starting to walk away

"Jade", he called after me

"Yeah?", i asked

"Keep an eye on your sister", he said making me smile

"Of course", i said before walking away. I went and did my job which was to play with the little kids and make sure they were all ok. Once the last kid got picked up by their parents I went to get another drink before I moved onto my second job.

"Hey Jade", Lauren said

"Hey lo", i said putting my apron on.

"I guess I'm serving the drinks and your collecting empty glasses", she said drying a glass

"Correct", i said before grabbing a tray and heading out to the poolside. I must have been working for 30 minutes when it started getting super warm, i took my apron off and put it back inside. I was picking up glasses when I heard giggles behind me, i turn around to see 5 girls behind me. I have to admit they are really pretty.

"Can I help you?", i ask making some of them smirk

"Yes you can. You can help My friend over here", one of the girls said. Since the girl had a thick stereotypical British accent I guessed that they all had that accent.

"Ok what with?", i ask confused

"She likes you but won't admit, she's been staring at you for ages now", another girl said with that same accent as the one before. I look at the girl they were talking about to see her blushing a lot, making me smile.

"We'll leave you two alone", one of them said before they all walked away leaving only me and the girl they were talking about.

"May I?", i said pointing to the seat facing her

"Go ahead", she said with her British accent. I set my tray down and sat down. She was still shy, but I like shy.

"My name is Jade by the way", i said smiling at her

"I'm called Grace", she said becoming a little more confident.

"You have a lovely accent", i said making her blush

"Thank you", she said well more like whispered . This made me smile more.

"Would you like to go out sometime?", i asked

"Me? Really you want me to go on a date with you?", she said shocked

"Yes you. I mean why not your friends said you liked me. You like me right?", i asked which she nodded to.

"Meet here at 7:30. I'll show you how good I am at Dates", i said smirking

"Cocky huh?", she said now smirking at me too.

"Nah I'm just joking", i said making her giggle.

"Good", she said.

"Sorry I got lost listening to that accent", i said winking at her

"Charming too I see", she said

"I try", i said before walking off. I walk back into the bar and set the empty glasses down.

"I see my best friend still has it", Lauren said smirking

"Maybe", i said smiling.

"Better watch out for Perrie then. Remember your only recently out of a relationship, don't rush into anything", she said

"I know I won't. Thanks for caring so much", i said

"My pleasure dork. You want to get lunch soon?", she asked

"Sure. I'm hungry", i said rubbing my stomach.

"The poor baby", she said making us both laugh. I look out and see Grace with her friend again. Hopefully this time won't be so painful.

Hey guys sorry this is late I just wanted to take a bit of a rest but yeah I wanted to make up for it and hopefully I did.

Hope you enjoy it

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And I'm 15 now. YAYYYY!!

Bye Guys ;)

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