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Ok so I thought I'd tell you all what I got for my maths GCSE. I'm not doing this to brag I just feel like your all like my family. Your always there and I want to share my grade with you.

So I know some of you might be confused on why I'm talking about my GCSE a year early. Well my maths teacher put my class in for a GCSE a year, which means my class done it a year earlier than we should have.

I was so nervous today but thankfully I got a C!! Which is a pass. I know it isn't the best grade but i did it a year early and I somehow passed. I'm a little proud of myself not in a cocky way at all.

But yeah I'm happy with myself. Everyone else that got there results I hope your happy with what you got. And anybody have any advice on GCSE's for next year. I'm super nervous.

That's all guys.

As always I will try my hardest to update. It's pretty hard with family members interrupting me every five minutes while I try to write. But i do it for you guys.


Bye Guys :)

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