Chapter 20

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I had just got dressed for my date with grace, it should be fun I decided to take her to see a movie and go to a cute diner I found. I waited by the dining room for her. I seen her and her friends coming towards me and she looked beautiful. She was only wearing a crop top and a skirt but she looked super cute

"Have her back by 11. You hear me?", one of her friends said smiling

"I'll try my best", i smile before her friends said good bye leaving me and grace alone.

"You look beautiful by the way", i say smiling at her

"Thank you", she said blushing while putting a piece of her hair behind her ear

"My pleasure. Do you want to go now?", i ask

"Sure lets go", she said before we started to walk to the date I had prepared. It took us a little over 20 minutes to arrive but all we did was talk so we didn't mind. Grace is such a beautiful girl inside and out.

"So I thought you'd like to see a movie. I'm really hoping you agree", I say making her laugh

"Of course I love the movies", she said letting out that cute giggle of hers. We walked to the ticket booth and got our tickets for the movie.

"I never thought I'd be able to take a girl to see a cartoon movie. I thought i was the only one who watched kids movies in public", i said buying her popcorn and candy.

"I love watching kids movies", she said making us both smile. We went and found our seats. The movie began and half way through it grace cuddled into me, putting her head on my shoulder. Which is why I couldn't stop smiling.

After the movie ended we walked out and began to go to the little diner. As we were walking she intertwined our fingers. I really like this girl.

We made it to the diner and ordered our food.

"So how is your holiday so far?", i asked

"It's awesome. Me and my friends are staying here for the summer my parents work a lot so I thought id just relax", she said playing with the straw on her drink

"Cool. I've been here since I was little", i said

"Thats a long time. I bet you've got girls all over the world", she smirked

"Wrong no I don't. I'm definitely not like that", i said taking a sip of my drink

"Good. Thank you for this date by the way", she said smiling

"No problem", i said just as our good arrived. We thanked the waitress and started eating. It was so good. We talked of course and I found out some pretty interesting stuff about her. Grace is really funny and sweet.

We finished our food and then argued over who was paying but she gave in when I said Im paying as I took her out. We walked back to the hotel as it was getting dark, around 10:30.

I walked her to her room which actually wasn't far from mine.

"I had so much fun tonight and again thank you for giving me the best date ever", she said smiling

"My pleasure honestly. I had a lot of fun too tonight", i smiled back at her

We both leaned in and I wasn't sure about this. It gives me all the memories I had with Perrie.

"Is this were we kiss?", She said making me laugh

"Yeah I think it is", i said as our foreheads came together

"Good", she said kissing me before I kiss back. I put my hands on her waist as she had her hands on my cheeks. We slowly pulled apart.

"That was amazing", she smiled

"I definitely agree", i said letting her waist go

She smiles before going into her room leaving me standing in the corridor smiling like an idiot.

Perrie's POV

She's moved on. Of course she moved on idiot you broke her heart. No wonder she's moved on. This is all my fault. That girl is really pretty too. It really is true you don't know what you have until it's gone.

I was just going for a walk when I heard people talking, Jade more importantly talking. I stopped and listened to their conversation. When I heard silence I peeked around to see them kissing. At that moment my heart shattered. Now I know how she felt when I left.

I ran back to my room and got into bed, not even bothering to get changed. Kat and Leigh were out shopping I think. I know it's like 10 pm but what can I say they love to shop. No matter what time.

I put my earphones in to try to get my mind off Jade. But i ended up listening to sad songs which just made me feel worse.

I soon fell asleep with only one girl on my mind.

Hope you enjoy this. I'm sorry this is maybe something you don't like. Im out of ideas so if you have any please comment.

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