Chapter 5

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Jade's POV

Thank god Perrie liked the date, she looked beautiful tonight and she wasn't even dressed up. She was just dressed like a normal teen ager, yet she looked so amazing. I enjoyed the date well to be honest just being with her was enjoyable. But i'm so glad she liked it, i really wanted to ask Perrie to be my girlfriend but i didn't know if that was such a good idea. She's going home in a few weeks, and she'll probably forget i even exist.

On the way back i held her hand just to see if she would take her hand away but she didn't she just looked at our hands and smiled, maybe she feels the same way. When we got back to the hotel, the lights around the pool were all lit up, it looked really good. Ok maybe i planned this to happen, i asked Jesy and Lauren to put little lights all around the pool while we were gone.

As we were about to say goodbye we both got lost in each other's eyes, her eyes reminded me of the sky on a really sunny day or the ocean, beautiful so so beautiful. I felt myself lean in as did she, this is it Jade do not mess up, your about to kiss the girl of your dreams make it good. After a few moments i could feel her breath on my lips, i was about to lean that little bit forward when i heard a voice i never thought i would ever hear again.

I quickly turn around to see, the girl i loved and hated at the same time. The girl that once owned my heart, the girl that threw that all away after 4 years. My heart literally stopped, why the hell is she here she moved to Canada a year ago. I felt so sick, my ex and a girl i wanted to be my girlfriend. This isn't good at all

"Jadey, i missed you so much", Shay said while running and jumping into my arms, i caught her somehow and just stood there in complete shock.

"Oh hey, who's this?", she asked when she stood back up referring to Perrie who looked very confused.

"I'm Perrie nice to meet you", she says knowing that i was to shocked to speak.

"Nice name, I'm Shay Jadey's girlfriend", she says before kissing me on the cheek. I snap out of my day dream when i see Perrie's face turn from confused to hurt. Shit this doesn't look good. Perrie runs into the hotel and i run after her, i catch her just as she was about to get into the lift.

"Where are you going?", i ask holding onto her wrist.

"To my room to sleep, why don't you back to your girlfriend?", she spits making me confused.

"She isn't my girlfriend, i promise", i say

"Yeah right have you seen the way she looks at you? She loves you, is this what you do, make girls feel special while your actual girlfriend is somewhere else?", she shouts

"What? No of course not", i say

"Don't speak to me again", she says before running onto the lift, i tried to stop her but the doors had closed. Fuck Jade nice one.

"Hey baby", Shay said while winking at me and grabbing my hand and pulling me towards her so she could hug me. I push her off me

"What are you doing here", i shout

"I'm here to see my girlfriend", she says smiling at me

"Shay stop the bullshit alright, you know we broke up last year", i say

"Well i want us to start over, i'm sorry for everything that happened honestly. I love you Jade, i really really do i swear. I want you back for good this time", she says interlocking our fingers making me look at our hands and sigh. I do really love her but I love Perrie. Why did such an amazing girl have to come into my life, there's no denying i have some serious feelings her that blue eyed godess.

Now who do i pick? Shay or Perrie. I'm pretty sure ive messed up any chance i had with Perrie but i'm going to win her back. If not my girlfriend than a friend will just have to do.

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