Chapter 16

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The day has finally come,well nearly anyway. Tomorrow Perrie and her family are going back home. The days leading up to this day I've tried to ask her about what that means for our relationship, but everytime i keep chickening out. I really hope she wants to still be with me.

I understand a lot of people don't like long distance relationships but i would do that for her. I just don't want her out of my life. She means so much to me. She could be my future.

Right now me,Lauren and Jesy are all In the dining room. I was drying the cups and Lauren was drying all the other stuff. Jesy was setting out the tables. We were all pretty down today because of obvious reasons, so yeah it was very very quiet.

Jesy suddenly threw the stuff on the ground making me and Lauren jump. What the hell.

"Jesy calm. You scares the shit out of me", Lauren said

"How? How am I meant to calm down when she's leaving, for god knows how long", Jesy shouted at Lauren

"Your not the only one going through this you know. All three of us are Heartbroken", i shouted back

"You know what fuck you. Fuck this job. I'm done. I quit", Jesy shouted again throwing her apron down

"Fine go but do you think this will solve anything. There still going to leave", i said

"Well at least now I can spend time with her", she said before storming out, leaving me and Lauren to do the rest of the work and hers too. We finished soon after, Lauren went to go see Kat and i went to go find somewhere quiet.

I go to the game room since there was nobody there. I sit down on the couch and think about all this. If Perrie says no to us I don't know what I'll do, I love her, I really really do.

I hear someone come in but I didn't look up, i just suspected It to be some kids. I feel the couch go down beside me. I look up and see Skylar.

"Hey Jade", she said smiling

"Hey kid", i say

"What's up? Something wrong?", she asks looking concerned

"Perrie is leaving tomorrow", i say

"Oh. That's gotta feel bad", she says

"Yeah it does", i sigh

"Look how about we play snooker you love playing that. We've always played it together. It might take your mind off things", she says smiling making me smile

"Sure Sky", i say walking over to the snooker table. We played for an hour or so. My sister might be annoying sometimes but she knows how to cheer me up when I'm down.

"Nice game Sky, but next time at least try to win", i teased her

"Yeah whatever. I'm pretty sure you cheated. So your the lose-", she says getting interrupted

"Someone's here for you", Skylar says pointing behind me. I quickly turn around and see her. Perrie.

"Hi", i say smiling

"Hey", she smiles. We must have stayed in silence for 30 seconds just looking at each other before Skylar broke the silence.

"Ok, well this is really awkward. I'll just go", she said walking out of the room

"So I'm just going to come out and say it", i say

"I don't want you to go but I know you have to and i get that. But do you still want us?", i ask

"I don't know Jade",she said looking down

"What? Why?", i say

"I dont want to have a long distance relationship", she says playing with her Fingers

"Well make it work. Please Perrie", i beg

"I'm sorry Jade. I should go", she said tearing up and beginning to walk away

"No stay. I don't know when the last time I'll see you is", i quickly grab her hand.

"Please just let me go Jade. This is hurting both of us", she said

"I love you", i admit finally tearing up too

"What?", she says shocked

"I'm in love with you", i said

"Wow. I love you too", she said crying

"Then why are you giving up on us?", i ask my tears falling now

"I just have to", she said before leaving me alone.

I run out of the games room and sprint to my hotel room, that's when I lost it. I grabbed all the cups and plates and threw them at the wall. I watched them all smash, i threw all the cushions every where. I flipped over the table and threw my clothes and anything I could find around.

When everything was smashed and ruined I looked around, i did this. I broke down and cried before I slide down the wall and sob. I must have been the for half an hour when I head voices at my door.

The door busted open showing Lauren and Jesy. They looked very shocked when they seen the state of my room and the state of me.

"Jade what happened?", Lauren asked as they both picked me up

"I ruined everything", i whispered

"Yeah we see that but why?", Jesy asked holding my hand

"She's leaving me", I whispered again

"There all leaving us Jadey", Lauren said taking my other hand

"She told me it's over", i said crying again

"Jadey were all hurting, but we have each other right? Always", Jesy said. We all hugged before they helped me fix the room to like at least decent. We were all chilling when my dad called me telling me we needed to get to our next job

"We have to go. Duty calls", i said before we all stand up and go to the room wjere we were needed.

"Remember were strong girls and we can show them what there missing", Jesy said before we all agreed. I knocked on the door to show the girls and Perrie's family.

"Were here to bring your bags downstairs for you", i said smiling at Perrie. We all acted like nothing happened and carried there bags Down to the lobby.

There bus soon came after they signed out of their room. Us three stood and watched them leave. Leigh hugged us all so did Kat. Perrie just stood there looking sad.

Her parents thanked us all before they got onto the bus. The girls all waved before getting onto the bus making us go sit down in silence. There really gone. She's really gone.

There you go guys finally a chapter. Thank god.

I really hope you enjoy this guys. You all mean a lot to me.

Please comment and like!!
Bye Guys :D

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