Chapter 17

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This though ☝☝

It's been a few weeks now since Perrie and the girls left, me,Lauren and Jesy were not the happiest people. In fact my dad got some other employees to take the kids activities and the adult activities since we were sad all the time.

But Jesy recently has started to 'date' other girls she took one out one night and the next was a new girl. You see this is why having holiday flings are so easy because you take a girl out for a week and then she's gone back to where she's came from so you take another girl out. I would never do that i don't want to hurt anyone and i know Jesy is only doing this to get her mind off Leigh, i mean me and Lauren have both tried to make her stop but she doesn't listen. If this is the way she wants to deal with things then I have to let her it herd life after all.

It was now evening and since Jesy was going on another date with some random girl she seen, me and Lauren chose to have a night in and watch movies all night until we fell asleep. She should actually be here any minute now.

I had all the movies ready to be picked, some popcorn in the microwave and i put blankets and pillows out so we're comfortable.

I quickly change into my elmo onesie (I want that onesie) and go and take the popcorn out and into a bowl. I place the bowl on the table just as I hear a knock on the door, Lauren's here

I rush over to the door and open it to see her wearing a cookie monster onesie (I also want that onesie)
We both smile at what each other is wearing.

"No way", i say letting her in and shutting the door.

"Yes way", Lauren said smiling

"We are the best duo ever", i say hi fiving her

"Oh I know, who doesn't love elmo and cookie monster. You can't not love them", she says

"True. So what film do you want to watch?", i ask her as we walk over to the couch.

"I think I'll pick..... Comedy", she says holding up the cover of the movie she chosen.

"Just go with it? I love that movie", i say as I get up and put it into the TV. I grab the remote and jump beside Lauren on the couch. She quickly grabs the popcorn as the movie starts.
During the movie all I could think about was how me and Perrie had a date like this. We watched movies, we cuddled and eventually fell asleep. No Jade forget about her, she forgot about you and plus she ended it with you.

I soon feel my eyed starting to slowly close, I am so tired. I really should start to sleep earlier. Stupid long hours.

"Hey if your tired lay down", Lauren said

"I'm fine i promise. Just a little tired that's all. No biggie", i said rubbing my eyes trying to prove I wasnt tired. I'm so tired

"Ok then", she said turning back to the film. It must have been 10 minutes before my eyes started to slowly close again. I tried my hardest to stay awake but i couldnt. Next thing I know I felt someone shake me making me fall back.

I look up to see Lauren straddling me, well this isn't awkward at all. We stay like that for a few seconds because she was just as shocked as I was. I started to look into her amazing eyes and i have to admit I got lost in them. I reach up and put a strand of her hair behind her ear making her smile.
We both start to lean in and I could feel her breath on my lips. I can't do this, but I don't know if this is my feelings talking or because Perrie left. I will not use Lauren like that.

"Lauren wait", i said sitting up but she stayed on my lap.

"Whats wrong?", she asked looking concerned

"We can't do this. I don't want to use you. We're only doing this because Perrie and Kat are gone", i said

"Yeah your right", she said looking down

"Yeah how about we go to bed and cuddle as friends like we did when we were little kids", i said offering a hug

"Definitely", she said accepting my hug. We hugged for a few seconds before we turned the TV off and brought our blankets into my room and lay down beside each other before falling asleep.

Finally some sleep. Thank you jesus

The next morning

I woke up feeling a lot better now that I got some decent sleep. I woke up alone, I seen a note laying beside me.

Hey Jadey

I went to my Room to change and I'll see you at 8:30 in the dining room for some breakfast. Can't wait to hear about Jesy's new girl for the night... Not haha

I laugh at Lauren's note, she's telling the truth. Every morning we have to hear Jesy very detailed description of what happened with her and her girl of the night before.

I eventually get up and look at my phone seeing it's 8:00am. I better get ready and head to meet up with Lauren and Jesy for breakfast.

I get my uniform on and do my usual bathroom routine. I grab my keys and phone and head out. On the way to the dining room I see some of the little kids from the kids club. I mess around with some of them making them all giggle. I've always liked making people smile and laugh from little kids to the elderly.

I resume my walk to the dining room, i was just outside the dining room when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I take it out and see its a message. Wait what!?

From Perrie

Hey Jade. It's Perrie I don't know if you've deleted my number. I know your probably hate me for what I did and I just wanted to say I regret breaking up with you. I want to come see you again. I'll be there tomorrow. I know it's sudden but yeah see you soon. Bye x

So guy's what do you all think of this new chapter??

Hope everyone of you enjoy this :)

Hope you all enjoy your weekend or if your off school like me then enjoy :)

Bye Guys

Thank you all for supporting me without you all this book wouldn't be were it is and heyyyy (my first story is doing better than ever like wow. You guys are freaking awesome)

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