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"Okay, spill," Casey said, wobbling into the basement to find me sitting in front of the giant TV, a glass of wine in my hand as I watched my movie.

After I left the washroom, Lucian had told me to call him later tonight. By the time I had walked myself back to the table, Hayden was glaring daggers at Lucian while Casey was giving me the eyes to tell her everything. Did I want to? Obviously. But it was pretty difficult when she told everything to her nosy husband.

"There's nothing to spill," I horribly lied, taking a small sip of my wine.

"Bullshit. You guys were giving horny eyes the entire dinner and Hayden wasn't the only one to notice." She moved to the side and sipped the herbal tea in her mug. "We're sisters so you better tell me or I'll cry."

I chuckled, shaking my head to myself before agreeing to tell her. Pouring another glass of wine for myself, I turned the TV down and pursed my lips.

"There's been something going in between me and Lucian since the year I grew a pair of tits," I said with a light scoff, staring into my glass. "That resulted in him scaring off any other guy I came into contact with until he graduated for college. By then I was starting eleventh grade so I had pretty much matured."

"Wait, wait, wait," Casey said. "If you guys have had something going on then does that mean..."

I closed my eyes and slowly nodded my head. "Yeah, we had sex. A lot. I turned seventeen and he came over to wish me a happy birthday. Next thing I know we end up in a fancy hotel going at it like a bunch of goddamn rabbits. Not exactly how I expected my first time going but what the hell, right?

"After that it was just off-and-on between sneaking around or going to great lengths to ignore each other," I said, not wanting to meet her stare. "I may have been a teenager but I wasn't stupid enough not to realize that whatever was going on between me and Lucian wasn't going anywhere so I broke it off when I saw him at my graduation."

"Does Hayden know? He's been glaring into Lucian's skull since the day you two started walking."

I laughed, shaking my head . "If Hayden found out that I even had my first kiss with Lucian then he'd keep me locked in the house until I turn 80. It's already bad enough I told him he figured out that I had a crush on him when I was thirteen."

Casey nodded and chewed on her lip. "Figured. What happened then?"

I remained quiet, downing my wine and sighing. "I called him up one night and told him how I felt, he told me he didn't feel the same. I somehow ended up in his bed that same night and I left the next morning while he was sleeping. I hadn't seen him since until tonight."

Casey raised an eyebrow. "Don't think you're stopping there. What happened in the washroom?"

I groaned, tilting my head back and pouring another drink for myself. Damnit.

"Well, I went in to get away from him and he followed me," I spoke. "I screamed at him, he didn't scream back. He kissed me and I kissed him. Then he told me how he suddenly changed his mind and wanted me, I told him he can shove that right up his ass and to leave me the hell alone."

"Do you think he'll listen?" Casey questioned, leaning in like a teenager gossiping with her friends.

I snorted to myself. "He's as stubborn as the men in my family, if not more. It just sucks to be him because I'm the queen of ignoring people. I chased him for years, now it's his turn."

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now