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I groaned in annoyance when I felt Lucian roll almost all his weight on top of me. I thought that he was sleeping until I could hear his raspy chuckle, causing me to smack his back in irritation. Lucian kissed my shoulder gently, then my jaw. I almost felt the annoyance wash away at the simple actions.

"What is it?" I grumbled to him.

"Nothing," he whispered back, turning my head to the side and kissing me slowly. I returned it and hummed quietly, feeling him removed his weight and set it on his forearms. I moved one of my hands to his shoulder and traced circles into his shoulder blade. "I want to go out tonight."

"Out?" I breathed back, tilting my head when he pressed gentle kisses down my throat. "Out where?"

Lucian shrugged. "Dinner?"

I rolled my head to the side and checked the time, groaning quietly when I read that it was already 5pm. Of course I slept this almost entire Sunday away. It isn't that I wanted to because I did get a few clothes for work and just casual outfits from Hayden's. It's just that a certain man likes to have sex every chance he gets, which leads to me wanting more, which leads to more sex. All of that led to me being tired after three hours of sex with maybe twenty-minute breaks.

I had every right to sleep so long, thinking of it now.

"You just going to stare at nothing or..."

I looked up immediately and saw Lucian watching me with pursed lips, a confused look passing through his eyes. A faint blush grew across my cheeks and I cleared my throat.

"Dinner sounds nice," I responded, watching a grin grow across his face. "Let me shower and get ready."

Lucian hummed, kissing me. "I'll join you."

"No," I immediately argued, laughing when he poked the ticklish spot in my side. "You'll just end up fucking me again. It's already bad enough my entire lower area is this sore."

Lucian smirked. "Want me to make it better?"

"You'd make it worse," I grumbled. A sharp gasp left my lips when I felt his fingers press into my inner thighs, making him glance up at my face. "Stop that."

"I'm just inspecting," he replied. "Maybe I bruised something..."

"If you bruised something then you would have seen it," I told him.

He grunted and tilted my head to him, giving me a deep kiss. I immediately moaned quietly and cupped the back of his neck. I could feel his hand trailing up my body until he reached my breast, where he cupped it with a gentle hum.

"Lucian," I breathlessly whispered when he moved down. A moan left my lips as he captured one nipple in his mouth, using his tongue to play with it. I arched my back as I greedily accepted the unexpected pleasure, whimpering when he sucked on it before pulling back and moving his attention to the other one. I gripped his messy hair in my hands and whines when he pulled away, flicking my nipple with his tongue.

He looked back up at me and cupped the back of my neck, taking my breath away with another kiss. I gripped his dark hair and moaned when I felt his knee nudge my legs apart, immediately beginning to move my hips against it.

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now