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I ran a hand through my damp hair, breathing out heavily as I finally walked out of the gym, heading for the locker room. After how stressful today was for me, I really needed to let it out today. What better way to do so then going to the gym, right?

"I'll see you tomorrow, Paige," I called out to her just as she headed for the exit.

She looked behind her shoulder and smiled widely, waving. "Make sure to text me!"

I chuckled and entered the locker room, grabbing my towel and walking to the showers. After quickly washing off the grime and sweat from my body, I changed into my purple unicorn PJ pants and a white tank top, walking out (and yes, I changed into my pyjamas. I'm lazy, sue me). Once I got in my car, I turned my phone on for the first time since I got here three hours ago and immediately saw multiple messages from Casey, Hayden, and then Lucian.

Wanna watch a movie when you get home?

I put it on without you. Ur missing out on the Avengers movie

Thanos just snapped his fingers. I cry every time Peter Parker turns to dust

I hate u. I had Hayden laughing at me instead of u here

I smiled and shook my head to myself, quickly sent her an apology message. I opened Hayden's messages:

Help me

A laugh left my lips at the two words on my screen and I answered him.

You asked for this. Next time wrap it before you tap it so you don't have to worry about Case crying twice as hard

I chuckled quietly, finally looking at Lucian's name. I bit my lip as I debated on looking at what he sent me. Knowing Lucian, he probably just said some controlling shit like "you aren't going out to lunch tomorrow" or something.

Open it, my subconscious whispered.

I opened it.

I'm sorry about earlier. It isn't my place to tell you what to do

My eyes widened and shock and I even did a double-take of who messaged me. What the actual fuck?

You don't need to sat yed but will u go our to dinner sith me?

I read through that question once, twice, three times. Then it hit me and my eyes widened in horror. He's drunk. And when Lucian gets drunk, shit gets weird in either a good or bad way. I called him immediately and it rang twice before my call was answered.

"Amelia?" An unfamiliar voice said into the phone, making me purse my lips.

"Yeah. Who is this?" I asked, starting my car up.

"I'm Theo, one of Lucian's friends. Thank fucking god you called because Lucian just got into a fight with some rando and I can't get him to stop."

I groaned. Definitely a bad weird this time.

"Do you think—"

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now