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I pursed my lips as I stared at the wall in front of me. Lucian ran a hand through his hair and looked at me, waiting for me to say something. The truth was, I didn't know what to say—I was in total shock. He had moved the two of us from the guest room to his and let me get comfortable before spilling everything to me. I couldn't even think of a response after.

"How long?" I mumbled, playing with my fingernails.

Lucian inhaled slowly and I turned to him. When I cupped his cheek, he immediately relaxed and closed his eyes, grabbing that same hand and kissing my jaw.

"Second year of college," he slowly answered, making me breathe in and nod. Five fucking years. He's been trapped in this type of business for five years.

"Is that why..."

"I was so off and on with you?" He finished for me, making me slowly nod. "Yeah. They eventually found out about you whenever I would disappear from the city. I just wanted to keep you safe, Mia. I knew you would hate me for it but I didn't care as long as I knew you were safe—but I can't keep doing it because it's destroying the both of us."

I bit my lip and moved my hand up to his hair, playing with it. He sighed quietly and leaned closer towards me, obviously finding comfort in my actions. After a few moments of silence, I asked, "What did they want?"

"They were just checking up on me and asking about work." Lucian paused. "Are you scared of me?" He whispered, meeting my stare. "Are you going to leave?"

I didn't respond, running a hand through my hair as I thought about what had happened just twenty minutes ago. You see, at first everything was fine and I was on my phone waiting for Lucian to enter the bedroom. Before the "bad people" left, one of them decided to inspect the apartment, probably to make sure no microphones or cameras were there. And then they found me.

"Who the fuck is this bitch, eh?" The man yelled out. He tried grabbing my arm but I crawled onto the other side of the bed so he couldn't reach me. "So you spying on our conversation, mama?"

"Fuck yourself," I said back.

The man laughed, shook his head, then pulled a gun and pointed it at my face. At that same moment, Lucian had rushed in and immediately pushed me behind him.

"Relax," Lucian said to the man.

"Who the fuck is she?" He snapped. "This the bitch Kian was talking about?"

He didn't respond but I could see his muscles tense up at the mention of this Kian guy. I pressed a gentle kiss to his spine, feeling him grab my hand and squeeze it gently.

"She was just getting ready to leave," Lucian slowly spoke. "Touch her and I'll kill you, Pete."

The man named Pete laughed loudly, tipping his head back. I looked down when Lucian moved his hand and saw that he was reaching for a gun. I looked back up at Pete. What the fuck is going on?

"She has some fuckin' balls, eh?" Pete sneered, pointing the gun behind him so it was aimed on me. "Might wanna put a muzzle on this bitch."

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now