twenty two

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The next day couldn't have come any slower. Between overthinking the entire situation with Kian and being stuck in this giant house, all I wanted to do was lay in bed until Lucian was in my arms. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Why? Because the second my alarm went off, Xavier was strolling into my bedroom.

"We've got to head to the mall so get dressed," Xavier told me, going through my drawers when he realized my suitcase was empty. "Go shower."

"Fine," I grumbled. Then, under my breath, I muttered, "Mr. Bossy Ass."

Xavier let out a deep chuckle and stepped out of the way so I could grab a bra and some underwear. He leaned against the wall beside my dresser and his phone shrilled to life, making me jump.

I raised an eyebrow when I saw the small grin grow across his face, followed by some texting before he put his phone away.

"Shower, clothes, food," Xavier listed, looking down at me. "We've got a few things to do once you're ready."

"Stop rushing me," I muttered, walking to the washroom and closing the door.

I made sure I was quick with my shower, scrubbing my body down thoroughly before hopping out. I poked my head out of the room to make sure Xavier wasn't inside before walking in the room. I changed into a simple red hoodie and leggings, walking downstairs to see Jackson sitting on the couch reading while the other guards were standing watch.

"Good morning Ms—Amelia." I smiled at Jackson's correction and he returned it.

"Good morning," I replied, walking into the kitchen. "Is breakfast ready?"

"Xavier's gone to get some," a guard, the shorter one with the buzz cut, said from the table.

I frowned. "That won't be necessary."

I began to grab some bowls and pans, along with a lot of pancake mix. I hadn't even started putting the mix into the buttered pan when Jackson and three other guards were already seated by the counter, watching me closely.

"What?" I asked, turning to the grill and adding some mix to the pan.

"Well... what about Xavier's food?" One asked.

He was the second tallest of the group—being a mere inch shorter than Xavier—but had a baby face with light brown eyes and a mop or blonde hair. He had a boyish grin on his face when our eyes met and he extended his hand.

"Liam," he introduced himself. "So, you're the Amelia Lucian's obsessed with."

I chuckled, shaking his hand. "That's me. Didn't know he talked about me."

The guard with the buzz cut snorted. "You're all he talks about. Don't think he realizes it, the idiot."

Liam shoved him. "Shut up, Ian."

I chuckled, shaking my head as I began to flip the pancake. My eyes met the green ones of the guard who had hardly spoken a word, noticing how his eyes immediately darted away and a dark red blush grew on his face.

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