twenty one

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I tried to help Lucian help pack the suitcases he had hastily thrown on the bed. He was tossing any clothing he touched into them and only ignored my questions when they were asked.

"Lucian, can you look at me for one second?"

When he looked at me, my frown only deepened; his face was etched with fear that I had never seen on his face, and his eyes were wide a way that made him look almost unrecognizable.

"Who was on the phone?" I asked him quietly, beginning to help him pack the suitcases of our clothes.

"It was Theo," he responded shortly. "Kian's coming. We're getting you out of here."

My frown grew. "What about you?"

"I can take care of myself, Amelia," he snapped. Noticing the surprise in my eyes at his sudden anger, Lucian's eyes softened and he pulled me to his chest. "I'm sorry. I just.... I don't want you to get hurt, okay? If anything were to happen to you, Mia..."

"Hey," I whispered, cupping his cheeks. "I trust you. If I thought that you wouldn't keep me safe then I wouldn't be here with you."

Lucian sighed and kissed my head, then pecked my lips. After that, I helped him pack the rest of our bags until there wasn't enough room to fill anymore. He grabbed the two suitcases and walked to the front door, making sure I was following him.

"Where are we going?" I asked, checking the weather on my phone.

It was beginning to snow heavily and I looked up when I felt a hat on my head and a jacket on my shoulders.

"You are going to the safe house up North," Lucian replied. "Me and Theo have to deal with Kian and then we'll meet you there."

There was a sudden knock on the door and I froze up. Lucian, sensing my fear, opened the door and revealed a tall wall of walking muscle who even towered over Lucian—that was saying something. He looked to be in his forties yet his face seemed somehow youthful, and he nodded in greeting to Lucian.

"Mia, this is Jackson," Lucian told me softly, handing the burly man the two suitcases. "He's going to be your new bodyguard. I expect you to listen to what he tells you to do if you two come across any danger, okay?"

I nodded without hesitation and Lucian gave a stiff nod to Jackson. I watched as he immediately took a step away from the door and allowed Lucian to close it. In record time, his lips were touching mine desperately, hands cupping my face as the pace of the kiss quickly picked up. My knees wobbled and I pushed closer into his chest, trying to get closer again when Lucian pulled his face back. There was an unfamiliar look in his eyes that made my body shake.

He better not be saying goodbye.

"I'm not saying goodbye," Lucian spoke almost like he knew what I was thinking. When he saw the doubt in my eyes, a small smile grew on his face and he kissed my forehead. "It'll be a couple of hours before you reach the safe house so I'm going to have backup leading you and behind you the entire drive."

"What about you?" I whispered back.

Lucian didn't answer my question and instead pulled a small box out. My eyes grew even more when he opened it and showed me a beautiful golden necklace. The chain met a small golden stem that curved down into a beautiful little rose. Each tiny petal had very closely put small diamonds on it and every time it hit the light, glowed beautifully.

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