twenty four

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No independence.

No privacy.

No sex.

If there's one other thing I'm killing that fucker Kian for, it's because four of his men beat the shit out of me after shooting me in the fucking side.

And no sex. God, I miss it.
With Amelia, though. Only her.

It's been an entire week since we had to go to my safe house in Canada. One week of these stupid crutches, the stupid bandage I need to change a million times a day—without sex.

Can I kill myself? Is that an option?

"You better be paying attention to what I'm saying or I'm going to be very mad," the angelic voice of my girlfriend spoke up.

"You're already very mad," I muttered to myself, referring to her crazy ass mood swings because of her period.

I love her but fuck, she's terrifying like this.

"What was that?" Mia asked, glaring at me.

"Nothing. What was it you needed again?"

She narrowed her eyes but ignored me. "I want to be able to have a conversation with my boyfriend without him dozing off because he doesn't care. Is that really too much to ask?"

I slowly sat up with furrowed brows, noticing her bottom lip trembling when she finished her sentence. I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, feeling her rest her head on my shoulder. She sniffled and I wanted to beat myself up for dozing off.

Don't get me wrong, I love talking with her. I can listen to her talk for hours and I'd never get sick of hearing her voice... but there's only so much I can take about choosing between three apparently different coloured lipsticks when they look the exact same.

"You know I care," I mumbled into her hair.

"I know," she sobbed back, hiding her face in my shoulder.

I smiled and shook my head to myself. I'm used to how she is when she PMS's. I mean, I've learned how she can be when she first got it in the ninth grade when she was too scared to tell Mr. and Mrs. Black.

"Pick one," she choked out, her wet tears still staining my skin as she shoved her MacBook into my hands. "Please."

"Uh..." I dragged out, looking over the three options. I pointed to the middle one. "That one."

Mia smiled and added it to her cart immediately. I chuckled and wiped under her eyes, then kissed her.

"Are you sure?" She asked, taking a took in her cart.

"Uh, yeah," I said, looking through the items. "Why the hell are you buying so much makeup?"

"Well, I forgot to buy some when Ren and the others took me to get some clothes," Mia replied with a simple shrug.

"And why do you need it?"

"I like looking good for you." She smiled up at me. "Though, I already know what you're going to say."

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now