twenty eight

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"I want him dead by the end of December," I spoke into the phone in a harsh whisper, trying not to disturb Mia as she slept peacefully, occasionally moving. "If not before. This has gone on long enough and I don't want this to carry out into the New Year while we're trying to plan."

It was too early in the morning for anyone to be awake. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't with my thoughts going from the love of my life saying yes to marrying me despite the fact that we're currently on the run from a Mafia Don who has no clue where I am or what I'm doing.

"That's easier said than done, Lucian," Theo mumbled, followed by a yawn. "You know I'm already busting my ass enough to get all of the information in quickly but having him dead is something completely different. Maybe life on death row, yeah, but what are the chances of them actually killing the guy? It's a million to one, Lucian."

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed, only to jump when I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. I looked behind my shoulder and saw Mia giving me a tired smile, taking the phone from my hand. She put it to her ear. "Get some rest, Theo. You've already done so much more than we could ever ask of you. We'll see you at breakfast tomorrow."

With that, she hung up. I stared at her with pursed lips and Mia smiled, kissing my shoulder.

"Stop stressing yourself out, Luc," she murmured, kissing up the side of my neck. "We have this time away from all of the problems we had back in Seattle so let's use it to our advantage while we can."

I sighed, closing my eyes. Once I nodded my head, Mia's smile returned and she turned my head to peck my lips.

"Get some sleep," she whispered. "I don't want to be half-dead when I make breakfast tomorrow."

I frowned, opening my mouth to respond. She flopped back down before I could say anything and opened her arms, patiently waiting for me to join her.

"You've been waking up early almost every day, amore," I whispered once I laid with her. I ran my fingers through her hair. "Get some rest. I want you to be energized when we go out."

She nodded dismissively, probably ignoring everything I said, before kissing me one last time. Once she moved her head to my neck, I finally allowed sleep to take over and let my eyes close.


I cursed to myself as I flipped the egg, only for it to break and spill across the pan. I was getting frustrated at a bunch of fucking eggs, for fuck's sake. The only reason why I haven't given up and stormed off like a child was because I wanted to make something special for my Mia. She was always cooking for me so I wanted to show her that I could do the same for her.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped and turned around, finding Mia standing across from me in her silk robe. Her hair was in a messy bun and there was a tiny smile on her face.

"Well... I wanted to make breakfast in bed for you but I couldn't get the eggs right," I mumbled. "I guess I didn't realize how much time passed."

Mia chuckled quietly, walking towards me and resting her head on my shoulder, watching as I poked the stupid egg.

"Take your time with it," she told me, putting the egg on a plate and taking a bite with a fork. "You're rushing to flip it and that's why it keeps falling apart."

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