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"My beautiful boy!" Ma gushed, immediately getting on her toes to cup my cheeks. I had to hide the groan of complete fucking embarrassment as she kissed the corner of my lips, then my cheek several times. "Mi sei mancato così tanto!"

I wrapped my arms around her waist as I returned her hug, only to get a hard smack to the back of my head just as fast.

"Ow!" I let out, pulling away and rubbing my head. She smacked my forehead next. "What the hell, Ma!"

"Lower your tone with me, young man," she snapped, her tone angry with me. "You promised you'd call and you didn't. I was worried sick about your irresponsible ass and it took everything in me not to let your father drive down here!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I said, wincing when she grabbed my ear and pulled me down to her short height. "It won't happen again, I swear."

"It better not," she warned.

Ma released my ear and I rubbed it with a wince, looking down at her only to find her attention on Amelia. She had her arms crossed over her chest as she watched the scene unfold in front of her, and her smile widened twice its original size when she met Ma's excited stare.

"Guarda quanto sei diventato bella!" She exclaimed, hugging Mel tightly. "As beautiful as the last time I saw you! What're you doing here?"

I glanced at Mia and found her miserably hiding a blush, which immediately caused me to smirk. Ma pulled back when she didn't answer and looked between the two of us, then her lips parted in realization.

"Oh," she said, clearing her throat. "We'll clear that part up later. How's work been treating you?"

Mia was ushered into the kitchen as the two began to gossip, and right when I sat down none other than my father joined the apartment. He looked around and pursed his lips, eventually looking down and grinning at me. I returned it and sat up, walking towards him and encasing him in a hug.

"How have you been, kid?" He asked, clapping me on the back a few times before pulling back. "You haven't called in a few weeks. Your mother was starting to think you were dead."

I chuckled quietly and shook my head. "Work's been a pain in the ass and piling up."

Dad hummed quietly and ruffled my hair. I smacked his hand away and he walked into the living room with a chuckle, sitting down with a sigh. I sat next to him, glancing behind my shoulder when I could hear Mia and Ma giggling to each other.

"Lucian..." he trailed off, his eyes narrowing. "Why is Amelia here?"

I glanced at him, then shifted uncomfortably as he continued to glare at me. It didn't take long for him to understand and he sighed to himself, smacking the back of my head.

"What the hell?" I groaned, rubbing my head as it throbbed from Ma's earlier attack.

"You better not be tagging that poor girl along like you did before, Lucian," he harshly whispered. "She's practically family and I won't hesitate to let your mother kick your ass for hurting her. It broke my fucking heart knowing my son had done such a fucked-up thing to an amazing girl like her."

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now