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"I told you not to drink so much, Luc," I reminded him as I walked into the washroom with a glass of water and some Tylenol. Lucian groaned in response, his face still well-hidden by the toilet bowl. "You sure you'll be okay going to work?"

He nodded, followed by another round of him throwing up. I sighed and ran my fingers through his hair, feeling his hand move to grab the toilet paper. After flushing the toilet, he wiped his mouth, still whining. I helped him stand up and handed him his toothbrush, watching as he slowly brushed his teeth with his eyes closed.

"Why'd you let me drink so much?" He muttered, spitting into the sink.

"Because you felt like drinking would be something else fun you could do after we had sex," I responded with a teasing smile, kissing his arm. "We leave in an hour. Get ready."

He mocked me and I chuckled, squealing when he smacked my ass. I playfully glared behind my shoulder and saw the hint of a smirk on his lips before he continued brushing his teeth. I walked into the kitchen and set his plate of scrambled eggs in his seat, along with some orange juice. I heard the shower turn on and decided to quickly get dressed in a simple dress, making sure to add a decorative belt around my waist. Just as I found a pair of heels to wear from my suitcase, Lucian walked in the room, looking a bit less like death. Plus, he didn't smell like alcohol anymore, which was a big plus.

"What'll you tell the other managers when they figure out we're seeing each other?" I asked, slipping into my heels as he flopped into bed.

"To mind their own business and fuck off," he honestly answered, turning his head and grinning. "Must you make everything you wear look so sexy?"

I chuckled, sitting next to him. I didn't miss the way his eyes flitted down to my chest for a moment as I laid down beside him. I flicked his forehead and he winced, narrowing his eyes at me playfully.

"You need to get up, baby," I murmured, kissing his cheek. Lucian smiled. "I know your stomach and liver hurts but you also told the building you'd be in today."

He whined. "I changed my mind. Stay home with me."

"I have a job to do," I said back, chuckling when he pulled me closer. "You better not kiss me, vomit breath."

"I brushed my teeth twice when I went in the shower," he grumbled back, moving his hand to my jaw and tilting it back. "Now give me a kiss."

I shook my head, giggling when he wrapped his arm around me. Lucian kissed along my shoulder and neck, smiling when I would squirm and laugh. He pulled back last second and kissed me gently, chuckling when I began to wiggle in his arms to get away. Eventually I gave in, lying there limp.

"Why the hell are you lying down like that?" He asked.

I didn't respond, finally shoving his face away and getting out of bed. Lucian sighed and rested one arm over his eyes, relaxing while I used the washroom to finish up. When I re-entered, Lucian was just finishing pulling his pants up. He looked up and leaned down once I was close enough, pecking my lips twice. I smiled and walked to the vanity across the room, grabbing my earrings and putting them in. Lucian came up from behind me, this time fully dressed, and rested his hands on my hips, his head resting against the crook of my neck.

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now